Jamison Jackson x Reader: Run!

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The two of you laid there together, the couch providing ample cushion for Jameson, and he providing for you.
It had been such a long day and it was nice to come home to someone so comforting.
Your head rises and falls on his chest with every deep breath he takes.
You love his heart beat, it's steady thrum. His sturdy chest beneath your head. The rhythm he breathes. His napping almost lulls you to sleep.
Instead, you take his hands in your own and take advantage to maneuver them around so he'd theoretically feel the words.
'I love you. I'm yours if you say the word.' You're shocked to see the hands you'd held move to the air just above you.
'I can't exactly say anything, love.' You see his eye crack open and look down at you.
'Sorry, were you sleeping? I hope I didn't wake you...'
'At first, but to wake up to such a proclamation of love! What an honor.' He smirks at you as his hands slowly intensified and exaggerated as he teased you. You could feel the faint vibrations of laughter through his chest. The vocal cord damage he'd sustained over time from various...incidents....left him speechless, but not completely in audible. His muscles still shook with laughter like anyone else.
You smack his chest embarrassed "You weren't supposed to hear that." You pout
'Then why'd you say it into my hands?' He sits up to hold you in his lap, a grin starting to split his face
"Because I could! I was practicing."
'Yeah, okay, whatever you say, sweetheart.' He rolls his eyes and places his arms around you. You're content to once again sit in cozy silence, until...
"Jameson, your tickling me," you mumble, shifting your head away the mustache against your neck. It follows you, rubbing into the crook of your neck on purpose this time. You laugh, ever so lightly "quit it," you start to push his face away from yours.
With a huff, JJ lifts you just enough to push you back against the couch, towering over you. His shoulders shake in that laugh again before he rakes and wriggles his fingers against your ribs "noO!" You shriek, squirming under his grasp.
You laugh as his fingers dig into your sides mercilessly "You- you fiend! Ty-tyrant!" You grab his arms, and kick and squirm, trying to get away. He leans too far left, trying dodge a kick, causing you both to go rolling off the couch. You can faintly hear the oof sound of air leaving his lungs and hitting his teeth. You leap to your feet only sparing a glance behind you to make sure he's okay. If anything, he's back on his feet, fast as you, forcing you to dash behind the couch, trying to add some distance.
His face is one of playful glee as he matches you fake right towards the front entry, left towards the kitchen, and over the couch when you decide the stairs are your best bet.
Your feet pound on the floor of the small town house. They thump up the stairs, nearly on all fours to keep balance. You make it to the landing in time to hear Jamison hot on your heels. You dash to the laundry closet and slip in to the space between the wall and machines.
JJ comes up the stairs and starts down the short hall. You cover your mouth to stifle the laughter when he scratches his head in confusion, soon followed by rubbing his chin in thought. From between the door slats you can see him flick on a light and step into your shared bathroom. The shower curtain rattles with him looking, then a cupboard. You don't see him again until he's out.
It's a waiting game. He steps to your bedroom, and is there a long while. He must be checking every nook and cranny. Under the bed, in the closet, you hear something fall, maybe he's checking the attic? With how thorough he's being your surprised he hasn't-
Shit, he's back. Padding down the hall... past the closet door... and out of sight.
You leap from your hiding place and barrel toward him. Jamison turns just in time to catch you when you jump at him. He stumbles back a few steps and reaches to hold you by the bottom. Respectfully. You didn't exactly give him much choice at the speed you were running.
"Gotcha!" You declare.
He shifts your weight so he can wave one arm in the air with a quirked brow. Didn't he catch you?
"A technicality, my fine fellow." You kiss his nose. "You want some tea? Seán sent us some to try from that coffee thing he's trying to get goin'"
Jj nods at you, almost clunking into your head. He bounces you up higher into his grip before heading for the stairs.

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