211. You have one minute!

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Gu Ninazhi's undergraduate thesis was fine tuned by He Zhichu, and she was highly skilled to boot. Thus the defense was a walk in the park and the defense committee unanimously approved and also declared her to be the best thesis in the graduating class. Gu Nianzhi was not surprised by the results. To her, the defense wasn't the challenge--rather, she had to concentrate her efforts to prepare for He Zhichu's exam. This exam would determine if she would be one of the two students interning at the United States Congress. Gu Nianzhi began to regret not accepting his offer straight away, and now she had no choice but to study for a grueling exam. However once she finished all the readings on American law and the structure of the US Congress assigned by He Zhichu, she understood his intentions and agreed it was beneficial to sit through the exam. At least it would force her to quickly familiarize herself with the basics of the American law system and the constitution of law through the US Congress.
On June 15th, she only had time to gobble down her breakfast. She had came out of her thesis defense in the conference room of the Law Building in the morning, and attended He Zhichu's exam in the afternoon. He Zhichu's exam format was very unique. It was not a typical paper exam, but wasa live question and answer session that simulated the US Congress. He would integrate various types of knowledge questions to observe their grasp and coping ability.
He Zhichu was hosting the exam from the States. All the students, with the exception of Gu Nianzhi, were located in B City. Hence this exam was conducted through a online video conference. Gu Nianzhi opened her laptop and connected to the exam address. He Zhichu's handsome face appeared on the monitor. A pair of sultry eyes gazed at her through the screen, and they seemed eeriely capable of reading minds. Gu Nianzhi sighed internally, someone with such eyes should be a judge, rather than a lawyer. With just one glance, even the criminals with the tightest lips would immediately blurt out a confession?
"...Before we begin the exam, I'll take attendance first." He Zhichu's cold voice traveled from the headset and Gu Nianzhi hastily straightened in her seat. When her name was called, she answered crisply, "Here."
He Zhichu was sitting alone in his large office. He clicked on the cursor lightly to enlarge Gu Nianzhi's window, and the other 37 examinees shrunk into little black dots on the monitor
"Today's exam questions: Number 1, how does the US Congress introduce bills? --Enter your answer in the window, no need to speak. You have one minute."
The short time limit ensured the students couldn't look up the information. Gu Nianzhi easily answered all the knowledge questions and proceeded to the debate portion. This also wasn't difficult for her, as she was articulate to begin with and excelled at the ripping at deficiencies in other people's arguments. She was unperturbed, even in face of doctorate students several years her senior. She attacked from all angles and sparkled with wit. Although her argumentsleft no room for rebuttal and were laced with sharp remarks, she spoke at an even pace and her voice was sweet. Even her opponents couldn't resent her. Before they knew it, she was able to control the rhythm of the debate.

Part 2 Hello, Mr.  Major General I'm Gu NianziWhere stories live. Discover now