1. The Deal

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"Mr. Holt, A Mr.Jackson is here to see you." My secretary announced through the intercom.

"Send him in" I tell her and wait for the presence of my best-friend. Tyrese and I go way back. We both attended the same schools from elementary level to college. He was my partner in crime. We broke a lot of hearts in our time but both retired after settling down to get married. Tyrese and his wife had moved to the country side and I lost touch with him after that. He attended my wedding with his wife and little girl but that was the last time I saw him.

I was so excited a few days ago when he called me and asked to see me. I am normally a busy man, I have an empire to run, but for him I'd do anything. That man saved me once and I'll be repaying him for the rest of my life. He stepped into my office wearing a brown suit looking all business like. So typical of him. He looked stressed though. We are both the same age but if you were to see us right now, you wouldn't believe. Age did not do him well at all. He was presently sporting what looked to be a beer belly, not too big but noticeable. He also started greying at the temples and he had bags under his eyes.

"Hey man" he greeted giving me a man hug. He took a seat on one of the sofas in my office and I sat opposite him. My Secretary brought us some coffee and left once again.

"What's good? Haven't heard from you in a bit." I said as a conversation starter. He looked as if his mind was elsewhere and I was starting to get a bit worried as I watched him bounced his leg up and down.

"Are you okay man?" I asked when I saw he was almost ready to burst in tears.

"I need a favor man." He said. He stood and started pacing the room and pulling at his hair strands. The rate he was going he would be bald before forty. I stood and tapped his shoulder to halt his pacing.

"Anything man. Name it." I said and we both sat again.

"It's Elle man." Elle was his daughter. I think.

"Ever since her mom died she has been out of control. She parties almost every night and come home at mornings. Her temper is atrocious. It's no surprise we haven't gotten any response from any colleges yet. She's had two assault charges this week alone."

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't know Diane had died. But why not get Elle a psychiatrist?" I asked.

"It's okay, yes she was sick for a while but she passed away eight months ago. And yes, I did get her a psychiatrist. She was one of the victims of the assault. I really can't handle her man and I can't afford it."

"How much is it?" I asked.

"No no no. That's not why i'm here. I'm here to ask if you can let her work for you a bit so she can  see how hard life really is so she wouldn't screw up and get her shit together. She is an adult now, she has a whole life ahead of her. Plus the officer said one more complaint and she goes behind bars as she is of age."

"So let me get this straight. You want me to hire her? You said so yourself she has a terrible temper. That is not a good work ethic. She also has no degree."

"Please" he begged. "I'm down to my last resort. I don't know what else to do."

"I-I can't. I would love to help but you know I can't handle that kinda stuff."

"Please D. I'll make it up to you, I promise." I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

"Fine, I'll start her off with something simple. Have her come here tomorrow at 9 sharp."

"Thanks man, I owe you one" he said and hugged me. I can see how relieved he looks right now. It's just a few months anyway, then she'll be off to college and out of my hair. He shook my hand one last time before leaving my office.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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