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                          "We are here and Guess who's with us. " Rejoices the brunette tapping the back of Oden's right leg while adjusting his right arm around his shoulders. "Arthur stop hitting my leg it still hurts." The dark haired complains shoving Arthur's hand away from his healing legs. "Sorry buddy." The duo helps him up to his room. He demanded to be released earlier than the doctor ordered,his excuse, tired of having to stretch his back with nothing to do but count the cracks on the ceiling. Of course the alpha doctor didn't let him go that easy with his neck on the line from the king's phone call. So Oden had to make a promise to stay away from  the rink and any activities that would stretch his recovery time, take his meds and visit the school hospital to check on his healing progress. Was it worth convincing the guy.... No. Did he want him to seal this promises in blood ....No. Only when he mentioned a certain omega did it do him that miracle. The doctor was willing to take him out of captivity and into the land of the healthy for that special lady. As I said earlier time is of the essence in this relationship, every second counts, with time not on their side he had to heed against his own policies.

"Surprise!!" Jason comes budging in and quickly jumps on Oden's bed not giving the dark prince enough room to settle down. The action did not go without a glare from his favorite person in the kingdom."Jason!! Are you kidding me get of his bed before I toss you out the window." "It seems am the only one excited enough to see you Oden."Jason states comically ignoring the two boys holding the injured male up. "Shut up dude where were you when we went to save him from that saltless hospital food? Answer that. Why you so quiet? Could it be realization." Arthur quickly accuses helping Oden lay on his bed slowly not to destroy the healing process. With Jayden's help Oden covers himself with a blanket as per doctors in order to get some rest. Doctors order. For that to happen the two argument mongers had to go
"Guys I believe I need to sleep, the day has been too long and ....."
"Where is he?!" "There he is." Jayden points out to the excited Oriela avoiding getting tackled down by the happy princess. "I guess sleep will have to wait."

                                 In his arms again after a week of waiting, she felt warm as they were before and ready not to let go not again, lesson learnt and accepted

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                                 In his arms again after a week of waiting, she felt warm as they were before and ready not to let go not again, lesson learnt and accepted. "Okay we will leave you two alone." Arthur announces to the rest of the crew alerting them of couple drama that was about to happen. With their single ass this was that bitter pill in the medicine cabinet. The sheer reminder of loneliness.

They leave the room in a hurry as if their legs were on fire with Arthur walking out last cheekily giving the dark prince a thumbs up getting a roll of the eyes at his stupidity. "Am so happy to see you walking." "I had to, someone gave me hope plus it was either that or the saltless soggy steak. Both had me running." He pulls her towards him looking  into her blue amazing eyes as she giggles at his statement. Though he enjoyed the moment right now he wanted to do something he hadn't done for a very long time according to him, kiss her. So without permission his lips were on hers. Oriela accepts the kiss, she definitely did miss that. Deeper and deeper putting out their feelings in to it. The emotion that  drove them insane. "You do know we can't do this now right, you need to get better." Oriela warns, struggling to drive her away the heat in her body knowing deep down it's the right thing. She could tell the boy was still in pain. "I know that. But I want to ........ You can be my medicine." He states surprising her with his little excited bounce on the bed, she gets the memo as he pulls her on his laps, "No!no we don't, I bet you a million our friends are not as far as they seem." She warns making him bite his lips to conceal himself from doing the opposite of what she asks, Oh! Her Maker why was he doing this to her. No way was he doing this to her. "I love you. But no, I won't." He could not warm himself into her head, she needed him to get better. She quickly gets up from his laps while avoiding putting pressure on his healing bones and instead sits on his right side of the bed as a sign of how serious she was.  "Okay, I give up. Goodnight." "Not yet I have news I think you shall be happy to listen to."

THE CONTINUATION OF THE BLOODY WAR.2🐺☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now