What's wrong with sticky nut juice-

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Thank you so much for 3k views! 😊💛😊💛

I really don't deserve it, so to make it up to you guys I'm giving shoutouts. To enter all you have to do is, read and vote on this chapter and my last one, leave a comment on one of the memes to prove that you read it. Next week I'll post your username and 1-2 story's that you've written. In the next chapter!

If you guys have any questions about the shoutouts, or just questions about me or my story, then you may ask here.


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I just gave y'all a wallpaper

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I just gave y'all a wallpaper.

YoU'rE wElCoMe.

YoU'rE wElCoMe

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hxh & Bnha memesWhere stories live. Discover now