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Lately you and your favorite guy friend have been spending more time together. All of a sudden, you're blushing every time he talks and realize that you're ready for more than just friendship. You want to say something, but are afraid to make a move because you don't know if he feels the same way. Does he have you firmly planted in the Friend Zone, or does he reciprocate your warm and fuzzy feelings? Read on to find out!

1.Observe the way he talks to you. His body language can reveal how he feels about you. Here are some things to consider:

Listen to his tone. While it may not appear important, it can show how much effort he has put into his words. If he sounds careful in his speech and hesitant, he may have placed some thought into what he is saying.

Also take notice of his eye contact. Does he look you in the eye when he talks to you, or does he look around the room distractedly? If he maintains direct eye contact, it shows that you're his main focus and that he is interested in the conversation. However, keep in mind that he may avoid looking at you out of shyness.

Note if he gets easily distracted. If someone else approaches him while you're talking to him, does he instantly abandon your conversation? If this does occur more than once, he may not consider your words as important.

Keep track of his topic choices. The subject of your conversation may indicate how he views you. Several signs to watch out for are:

Teasing. Playful teasing may hint that he wishes for you to tease back. If you're brave enough, add subtle flirting to spice up the mood.

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