Chapter 1

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I was running, zooming through the world watching the trees fly past turning into a blur as my paws touched the ground. Who knows where I was running but I wasn't staying here I mean I can't and I won't.

From a very young age I was abused and beaten not just physically but mentally. I was taken from my pack when I was pup and everyday is worse than the last. I'm 17 now and I couldn't take it anymore so I escaped and ran. I have a very dark past that haunts me everyday and night. I was running through other packs land 'I can't keep running I need to rest' my wolf Siku said 'only a little bit further' 'fine but when we fall thats it I need a break' she said as we kept running until I was pushed to the ground. I looked up to see two red wolfs and two brown wolfs growling at me. Before they pushed me to my feet and made me walk somewhere but I couldn't escape because they were standing around me as we walked to a massive building and I started to get scared and my heart started beating fast. They took me to a place I knew all to well. The dungeon. I was pushed into a cell before they shut the door and left I shifted back to a human and sat in the dark corner of the cell letting the tears fall down my face as I waited for my death to approach me. I never got to find my mate or see my family again and I was going to die in less than a few hours. Soon I found myself falling asleep.


"Alpha we found a white wolf running through our land it's in the cells" my beta Michael said as I stood up and looked at him with confusion written on my face.

"I thought white wolves were extinct" I said because it was true or so I thought.

"So did I until we saw it running through our land" he said.

"Show me where the wolf is" I said as he nodded and I followed him down to the cells to see everyone hid in the corner as I walked pass their cell before we reached a cell with an amazing scent. I looked in the cell but I couldn't see anything.

"Open the cell" I ordered as he did and I walked in to see a girl in a ball asleep sitting in the corner as my wolf yelled 'MATE!'. I took my shirt off and put it over her as I picked her up carefully so I didn't wake her and I walked out of the dungeon with Michael hot on my tail.

"What are you doing Alpha?" He asked.

"She's my mate Michael" I said as he stopped but I kept walking before I reached my room and I put her in my bed and put some basketball shorts on her but that was when I saw it. I saw the bruises all over her body, scares all on her stomach, cuts all up her arms, she looked like she hadn't been eating or only eating enough to survive. I wanted to kill whoever did this to my mate it hurt me to see her like that. I slowly put the blanket over her fragile body and walked out and into my office.

Sophia's POV:

I woke up in a bed wait how did I get in the bed I was in a cell and I had someone's shirt on which smelt amazing. I looked around to see windows, doors, a fan, bedside table, tv and a lamp I was in someone's room but who. I was about to get out of the bed when the door knob moved and I got scared so I pulled the blanket up so only my eyes were showing. I watched as the door opened to show a tall sexy guy around 6 foot standing their with black hair and brown eyes with light stubble on his jaw line as he took a step closer I scooted back only to hit the bed head.

"P-Please don't hurt me" I said as I saw the hurt in his face.

"I would never hurt you" he said as he walked to the side of the bed and sat down as I pulled the covers down. He touched my hand and I felt the Sparks as my wolf cried 'MATE'. I didn't pull away and I didn't say anything I just looked at him to see his beautiful chocolate brown eyes looking at me.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as I shook my head I haven't eaten in two weeks ever since I escaped I was too scared that if I stopped they would find me so I was very weak.

"Are you sure I can make you something" he said and if on que my stomach growled stupid stomach. I looked at him and nodded as he stood up and I got off his bed and we walked out of the room and I stayed close to him. We were walking down to kitchen when someone came up to us and I grabbed onto my mates shirt and hid behind him.

"Hey Alpha who is girl?" Someone asked as he took my hand from his shirt and intertwined it with his which calmed me down it was weird.

"This is my mate she doesn't know anyone so she's scared but you are to show her the utmost respect" he said as I just relised he was an alpha my mate was a alpha.

"Yes alpha" someone said as they left and I walked next to him so our hands where still together. We reached to kitchen and I sat down on a stool.

"What do you feel like?" He asked looking in the fridge and cupboards.

"Anything I don't mind" I replied as I watched him pull out food and cooking things before he started to make the food and I watched. Once he finished he dished it up and handed me my plate and he looked at me. I started to eat it and it tasted really good it had chocolate in it.

"What is this?" I asked as he smiled.

"Chocolate chip pancakes" he replied as a small smile spread across my face as I finished eating it. Once I finished he washed up the dishes and I stood up as he came to my side.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked as I shrugged and he took my hand and we began walking somewhere. We were out the back of the building and I saw people walking around, there was flowers everywhere with a pond and a fountain as we reached a bench and we sat down.

"So what's your name?" He asked looking at me.

"S-Sophia" I replied as he smiled.

"What a lovely name for a beautiful girl" he said as a small smile crept on my face.

"What's your name?" I asked looking at him.

"Nate" he replied smiling showing his perfect teeth.

"What pack did you come from?" He asked as I tried to think.

"I can't remember I was taken from my pack" I said as I saw his face fall.

"What pack are you from?" I asked wondering what pack my mate was from.

"The sliver claw pack" he replied as my eyes went wide. My mate was the Alpha of the strongest pack. Every other pack was scared of them I still remember whenever someone from their pack came they would cover our mouths so we couldn't yell for help and they would lie to them and tell them that they didn't know about us. I felt a little safer knowing my mate was in the strongest pack but I still didn't know if I should tell him about my past.

"What's your favourite colour?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um blue" I replied as he smiled.

"So is mine" he said.

"What colour is your wolf?" I asked curiously.

"Black what about your wolf?" He asked.

"White with a black Dimond on my head" I replied as he smiled.

"D-do you a-accept me as y-your m-mate?" I asked looking into his eyes because he could reject me and I needed to know.

"Yes I Nate of the silver Claw pack accept you as my mate but do you accept me?" He asked.

"Yes I do accept you" I said as he smiled before bringing me into a hug. We asked each other more questions and found out a lot about each other well he didn't find out a lot about me. We were walking inside and all that kept going around was that he could see my marks. Wolfs are meant to heal fast but if they don't get food they heal slower. I made up my mind I was going to tell him I mean he is my mate and he told me a lot about his past and his life but now I just need to get the courage to tell him.


(Pic of Sophia on the side)



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