Chapter 25

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2weeks later

It's been two weeks and we have made love a lot but I don't think both of us hated it actually I think we enjoyed it. Nate has had lots of Alpha meetings and we still train with everyone and I still get better. But today I was at the shops with Zoe and we were shopping for baby clothes because we found out that Meg was pregnant last week and we were getting things she needed for it. We had a cot in the back of my car and some draws plus a change table and we were looking for other things to put in the room.

"What about this if its a boy?" Zoe asked holding up an adorable outfit for a baby boy as I smiled.

"She will love it and what do you think of this for a girl?" I asked holding up a little pink outfit as she nodded and we got them because we didn't know the sex yet. We walked into a lot of baby shops and we found a pram and a baby seat for their baby before we walked to the car and put them in there before we decided to get something to eat. We found a little café and we got a small meal and drink before we began to eat and talk before someone walked up to our table.

"Um do we know you?" Zoe asked as he leaned on our table.

"No but I have a message for you" he said pointing at me as I got scared who knows what this message could be.

"And that is?" Zoe asked as he glared at her and Zoe glared back she didn't care what people thought of her.

"Get your best worriers ready but mid day tomorrow in the big clearing in the woods if your not war will be brought to your pack house he's coming for you and he will have you even if it means killing the ones you love tomorrow" he said as I sat there shocked as he walked away and I looked at Zoe who looked shocked as I had tear fall down my face as she brought be into a hug.

"Hey it's okay you aren't going to loose anyone you love okay we are all going to be here fighting for you and we're going to show him who he is messing with ok now we have to go tell Nate" she said as I nodded and whipped my tears and we walked to my car before we hopped in and I drove us off home. Once we got there we grabbed everything and put it in their room before we walked over to his office and we knocked on the door.

"Come in" he said as I opened the door and we walked in while he turned around and looked at us.

"We have important news for you" Zoe said as he looked between Zoe and me and I looked at Zoe to see he looked at me telling me to tell him.

"A man came up to us today and said he had news for me he told me that we have to be ready with everyone fighting at the clearing in the woods at mid day and if we're not he will bring the war to the pack house he said that he was coming for me and he will have me even if it means killing everyone I love" I said as I felt a tear fall I didn't want to loose them they all mean to much to me and who would I save because I can only save on person.

"Could you get everyone in the meeting room and I till be there soon" Nate said to Zoella as she nodded and walked out as he brought me into a hug.

"He's not going to get you okay and we are all going to survive this war everyone you love will still be here okay" he said as I squeeze him and let the tears fall as he squeezed me back.

"I can't loose you Nate" I said as he made me look at him.

"Your not going to im going to be right here" he said as I had a smile smile I really hope he was.

"Now I have to go get everyone ready for tomorrow but I want you to come with me ok?" He asked as I nodded and he took my hand as we walked to the room to see the whole pack there as I let go of his hand and smiled at him and he looked at me then at everyone.

"We have war tomorrow at mid day so I need all women and children kept safe and out of harm and all men with me" Nate said as they all nodded.

"I want all the men to train for about two hours today you are all dismissed" he said as they all walked out and he came over to me and I hugged him and he hugged me back and we just stayed like that for a while.

"I'm fighting with you" I said still hugging him.

"I no there's no stopping you even if I tried" he said as I smiled.

"I love you Nate" I said as he kissed my head.

"I love you too princess" he said as I smiled. We broke away from the hug and we went to make dinner which was spaghetti and we both cleaned up before we decided to cuddle on his bed while watching movies as I laid my head on his chest and he had his arm around me. I could loose him we can't tell the future and that's what scared me because I know I won't be able to live without him it happens to every wolf once their mate dies they become depressed and nasty people who have no emotions and are heartless. I don't want to turn out like that that's why if I had to save anyone it would have to be Nate.

*next day*

I woke up hating today as I looked to see the bed was empty. I got out and walked into the bathroom before I turned the shower and hopped in. Once I was finished I hopped out and dried myself before I walked out and to my draws and put on my under garments and some shorts with a black singlet and black vans before I walked down to the kitchen to see Zoella, Michael, Dan, Jack and Meg as I had a small smile on my face as a tear fell and I saw them all get up and give me a group hug and the tears fell.

"Hey you aren't going to loose us" Jack said as I whipped the tears.

"Who's crying?" I heard Luke asked as I heard more footsteps.

"Sophia" Dan said as I felt more people join onto the group hug as I looked to see it was mum, dad, Luke and Ashlie as I smiled.

"I'm scared I'm going to loose one of you guys and I can't you all mean so much to me" I said.

"And you mean so much to us as well so you can't leave us as well deal" Jack said as I smiled.

"Deal" I said as we laughed when I heard someones footsteps.

"Whats going on?" Nate asked.

"Sophia was crying so we gave her a group hug" Zoella said as he joined in.

"Wait everyone look up this way" Zoella said as we all looked to see her phone and she got us all in for the photo as we smiled and then we did a funny one before we pulled away from the massive hug.

"I got the men ready Zoella are you going to fight?" Nate asked as she nodded.

"Yep I already told Michael there was no ifs or buts" she said as I smiled.

"Okay I need you other ladies to go somewhere safe" Nate said as they said goodluck and bye to their mates as they walked off and we walked to the front of the pack house to see all the males.

"Okay I want everyone in their wolf form" he said as we all walked behind a tree talking turns while we shifted then someone would go and I went after Zoe moved and I shifted leaving my clothes next to hers. I walked out to see everyone look at me since I was rare and I walked up to Nate who licked my snout. Soon we were all walking in a massive group to the clearing as all our friends (male ones) were next to Zoe and I as well as my father and brother. I prayed to the moongoddess that I wouldn't loose a lot of people I cared about today lets just hope that prayer works.

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