Beacons reaction to the banished knights

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(all rights belong to RoosterTeeth)

After the recent attack of Cardin Winchester there has been much commotion at Beacon academy

Many suspected it was a revenge attack but when a person like Cardin he had a lot of enemies

Many of the faunus who attended Beacon didn't feel sorry for him not even an ounce of it why would they he made their lives at Beacon miserable

Velvet scarlatina one of his many victims was celebrating with carrot cake

Many of the students were not worried for team CRDL they were worried for themselves

Whoever did this managed to defeat huntsman and training although Cardin and his team were not the best they were still better than your average Street thug

the fact they were beaten so easily and so viciously worries them they were all wondering if they were next

As for team RWBY and team JNPR which is now lead by Jaune's sister Julia who came to seek and to restore the Arc family name had a pretty good idea of who attacked Cardin even though they had no proof and some of them refuse to believe it

Ruby: no it couldn't have been Jaune there's just no way!!!

Weiss: think about it Ruby out of everyone Jaune had the biggest axe to grind

Blake: he does make the most sense

Pyrrha: but they were four of them

Yang: yeah but now he leads the crew called the banished knights so vomit boy definitely has the muscle to help him

Blake: Sun told me that he's friends with some of the members including a few in the leadership and he told me Jaune is the leader

Julia: I cannot believe this brother I know you're angry but to become this

Yang: I saw him myself he was like a completely different person whatever happened when he was in prison probably change him

Nora: I feel so bad he was our leader in our friend and we turned our backs on him

Ren: more than anything we are responsible for the Jaune Arc that exists right now

Pyrrah: but still Jaune is in no way vicious the injuries on team CRDL suggest they were beating over and over again that's not the Jaune I know

Weiss: the man I met isn't the dolt I remember I was honestly afraid I don't know how but he's a lot stronger

Yang: well let's say he did do it what are we going to do

Julia: I need to talk to him I have not wronged him in any way so he might talk to me

Ruby: I don't think that's a good idea guys he told us he doesn't want to see our faces again especially me and Pyrrha

Ruby and Pyrrha start crying remembering this

Ren: we're responsible for what happened if we only been there for him he wouldn't be whoever he is now we have to fix I agree with Julia she's probably the only person he'll talk to

Blake: but how we going to get past his men according to Sun they're anything but pushovers especially the leadership and the detachment squad

Yang: I can handle beefcake but you're right they look tough and who knows how many guys work for him

Ruby: I actually followed him the other day and I learned that he owned the scrap yard on the edge of town the place is huge

Yang: I say we storm the scrap yard and make vomit boy come to his senses

Weiss: forgive me Yang but are you stupid that isn't the nightclub that place is like a fortress and a maze combined not to mention it's most likely crawling with armed guards and has some kind of security system ready in case anyone tries to break in!!!!!

Weiss takes a moment to compose herself

Weiss: and remember these "banished knights" are a lot tougher than Junior thugs and knowing that dolt he already has a plan ready and I'm a big enough person to admit that he was the greatest strategist of the first years he knows us so you most likely has countermeasures against us

Yang was about to say something when she really thought about it and most likely it was true

Julia: no I will go alone he will see me we have always been close

Ruby: are you sure about this Julia you might be in danger

Blake: I doubt it according to Sun most of the lower level thugs are afraid of Jaune even the leadership never questions him

Pyrrah ( Julia may be right he may not want to see my face ever again after what I did to him but I need to see him and say how sorry I am)

Julia: I know what you're thinking but you guys cannot come this is something I have to do alone his heart is wounded in the last thing he needs is to see you guys I may speak on your behalf and hopefully patch things up

Weiss: I don't like this but you're probably right Julia

Julia now readies her nerves to face her brother knowing this will not be an easy mission once she will most likely have to do in secret as she suspects are friends and his former friends will follow her to the scrap yard which will only complicated things

Julia( I'll have to do it on a school day that's the only time I'll be sure they cannot follow me knowing Yang and Weiss they'll just cause trouble if they come wait for me brother I hope you will still speak to me)

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