Chapter 2

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Mia POV: 

"Got everything?" Anna asked as she feeds Hana. I nodded. I grabbed my purse and headed out. I took the train to the office building. I stopped in front of the office building and stared at it. I sigh and started taking my steps inside. Wow! This is big. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I picked it up and answered. "Hey, sorry to bother right now, but Hana's pooped in her diaper again and I can't find the diapers. Oh! I also can't find Mr. BooBoo. She won't eat until she have him."  Anna said. She sounded frustrated and I could hear Hana crying in the background. "The diapers are in the storage closet and I think her toy is under the bed." I explained. 

Daniel POV: 

I got out of my personal car and let the driver park my car for me. My uncle followed me as I entered the building. All the employees greeted me. You might be thinking why. Well, this office building is actually owned by my mother and they employees have to greet any relative of her with respect and honor. While I was heading to the meeting room, I noticed a girl standing in the middle of the hall when everyone else are standing aside to let us go. I couldn't really see her face because her back was facing me and she seems to be busy chatting on the phone. One of my bodyguards shouted at her. "HEY! Get out of the way!" She turned around and it's her. The same girl. I walked up to her and stared at her for a moment. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, looking straight in to her eyes. She didn't recognized me for a sec then it comes to her mind when popped her eyes out. "You! You! You're-" I cut her off. "Now, move. I have things to do and you're in my way." I said. Her face was confused so I pushed passed her. Why is she always wasting time? I took the elevator with my uncle and got to the meeting room. I saw my mother sitting at the table, going through some files. "Good afternoon, mother." I said, sitting down in my chair. "You're late." she stated. I rolled my eyes. 

Mia POV:

What a JERK! Were he born as a monster? I put my phone back in my pocket and head to the interview room. I saw a many people was there waiting for their interview. Wow, this is gonna be a tough competition. I really hope I get this. I waited for 20 mins. "Mia Jones." A lady called out my name. I followed her to the meeting room. I looked at the judges  and- omg! What's he doing here? I could tell he was surprised as I was. "Mia Jones, right?", the woman in the suit asked. I nodded. She looked back at my resume and then back at me. "It's seems like you have attended college only for two years and decided to drop out due to some family emergency. However, you have really good results and scores. You even won many awards and honors. I could say you seem like a hard working girl, but I have one question for can we trust you?" She asked straightforward. I try to think of a way to answer that. Shit! why didn't I think this through? I glanced down at the floor. 

"Don't think she even need to answer that. She doesn't deserve this job." I looked up at him. What did he say? "Excuse me?" the lady raised her brows. "Mom she doesn't deserve this chance, you should've seen what she did yesterday. If she gets hired, she'll only make more trouble." He said with a glare. "How dare you? You're the one to poured coffee on me!" I shoot back at him with glare. "I wouldn't have down that if you didn't 'accidentally' dropped food on me!" He shouted back. "Well here's a fun fact, I already said I was 'sorry', but you decided to pour coffee on me in front of everyone and made me lose my job. If in any case I deserve this job, because you own me." I explained. He didn't say anything. "What's going on?" his mom asked. "Umm ma'am I'm s-"I try to apologize but she cut me off. "You didn't do anything wrong. Your time is up and I believe you have already answered my question." She said. I nodded and left the room. Shit! I'm sure I messed up. I don't know what comes over me every time I see him. That JERK always gets in my nerve. 

Daniel POV: 

"What's wrong with you?" Mom asked with a straight face. "I just said what I had to say." I said. "You're being childish. I thought you going to the London would fix your attitude, but you haven't changed at all." She explained. "Ma'am should I call out for the next person?" The lady asked. My mom shook her head." I have already decided who I want to hire. You may let everyone know that we have made our decision." She said. The lady went back out and closed the door. " What is a your decision?" my uncle asked. She looked at me with a smirk. "Miss Jones. I believe she have the right type of attitude and ambition. Plus, she a hard working and can maintain your image well." She stated. "Please, can you please choose some else?" I asked her, hopping she says yes. She sighed, "How about we make a deal?" 

"I'm listening." I let her continue. "We hire her for three months and see if make a progress and if she doe, she becomes your office assistant. If not, she leaves and you get to hire whoever you want. However, I have one request for you." She said. Oh no, she's gonna ask. "I'm leaving the US after three months and going to live in Korea the next few years, but I want you be married before I leave." She knows I hated she talks about this. "Fine. I'll try." I responded. 

Mia POV: 

I decided to buy a drink from the venting machine and my phone dinged. I opened my drink and started drinking as I read my text. "Congratulations! you have passed the interview and been selected to become an assistant of Mr. King. Please come by to Mrs. King's office to receive your tasks and extra info for your position. Good Luck!" I spit off the juice. OMG! I can't believe they hired me. This is so cool. I begin to walk to the main office. "I'm sorry ma'am. Do you have any appointments?" Mrs.King's assistant asked. "My name is Mia Jones. I was told to come by her office to pick some information." I showed her the text. She nodded and let in. "Hello." The lady in the suit greeted. "Hi." I set down on the guess chair. "Congratulations on your position. However, your are hired only for three months. If you're successed in three months, you can stay in your position. If not, your position will be given to someone else." She explained. 

          "Um oh.I'll still take the job and try my best." I replied. She smiled. "Of course you will. Anyways, here's all the things Daniel needs to complete before the tour. I know my son was rude to you today, but I really hope you can maintain him in these three months." She said. "Daniel? Your son is the celebrity?" I asked confused. She nodded. "You didn't know?" She brows raised. "Oh no. I didn't know who was the celebrity. I just applied because I really need a job right now." I explained. "I understand." She commented, handing me the papers. "You will start tomorrow morning at 9:30 am in Daniel's house. There, you will get him ready for the day and guide him throughout the day. Don't be late." I nodded and headed out. 

            Three months, I got this. At least I hope. I can't believe that JERK is my boss. I called Mason. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, how are you? Did you get the job?" he asked. "Yes! I still can't believe I got it. I'm going to start working tomorrow morning. I was thinking we could hang out cause I haven't seen you go a long time." I replied. "Sorry, babe. I can't I'm too busy this week. I'm the business trip. I'll take you out when I come back." He apologized. "No it's alright. I'll just hangout with Anna." I hang up. I texted Anna telling her to meet me at the park with Hanna. 

At the park

"I'm so happy for you. I knew you would get it." She said happily. "I don't know something seems off. The lady sounds Iiked she wants me to get the job, but that JERK always gets in the way." I said, eating my ice cream. "He is your boss. It's kinda of his choice." I sigh. "True" I looked at Hana who was playing with her toy. "Mama!" She said in her cute ways with a smile. "Hana!" I said back like her. "Mama!" She shouts back with giggles. Anna starts laughing at our reactions. "You guys are too alike." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, what's up with you and Mason?" She asked, giving Hana a little bit of ice cream. "Nothing really. He been super busy with work who I don't blame him for not having time." I said, looking down at the grass. "Still he better make up for doing that." She commented. "He is. He said, he'll take me out when he comes back from his trip." I replied back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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