Chapter 3: Welcome to Auradon

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Y/n pov:

"Hey mother, u wanted to talk to me"
Queen: Yes i did.
"What is it?"
Queen: your going to Auradon
"Why, mother?"
Queen: Well, i found u a king
"Oh no, mom i really don't want to get married. Can't i just be queen without a king"
Queen: Im sorry darling, but u have to get married
"Can u at least tell me who am i gonna marry?"
Queen: Your gonna marry......Carlos de vil
"*Shocked* What???, i can't marry a villian."
Queen: Im sorry, i had no choice.
"Well when are we going to Auradon?"
Queen: Tommarow, So get ready
"Fine, are u coming with me"
Queen: No
" What why???"
Queen: You are gonna study there for at least a year, so u could get to know him and get comrtouble with that life
"My life is HORRIBLE"
Queen: Please don't be that way, do it for your father.
"Fine, but with one condition, can Rachel come with me"
Queen: I don't know if she can...
"C'mon please??"
Queen: fine
"Thank u mother"
Queen: Your welcome, now go pack up
"Yes" i feel so sad that im leaving my mother, and i also don't wanna go to Auradon, what if he does not like me or what if they bully me. I need to go talk to rachel.
"Hey rachel"
Rachel: ohh, hey y/n, what's up?
" Nothing much, although i need to tell u something"
Rachel: What do u need to tell me?
"My mom found someone that i can marry"
Rachel: Really??
"Yes, but that's not all, im gonna have to go to Auradon, to get to know him"
Rachel: What??, so ur gonna leave me?
" Here's the good part,u can come to Auradon with me"
Rachel: YAY, wait but i need to ask my mother
"Let's go ask her"
Rachel: Sure

Few mins later:

Rachel: Hey mother, can i ask u somthing?
Anastasia: Sure, what do u need?
Rachel: So y/n is going to Auradon,and i was thinking if i could go with her, its only for one year?
Anastasia:Well i don't know, were gonna be apart for one year
"Please ma'am my gaurd's will be coming with me so they can protect us"
Anastasia: Okay.
Rachel: Thanks mom i love u
Anastasia: I love u too, when are u guys leaving?
Anastasia: Well then u should Start packing up.
Rachel: i will mom
"Well, i gotta go i also got thing's i gotta do, see u tommarow at 9:00"
Rachel and Anastasia: Bye

End of pov

Ben's pov:

I heard the new's that carlos is gonna have to marry the future queen y/n, im gonna admit i feel sorry for both of them, there gonna be forces to get married. Anyways i gotta go tell him the news.
I knocked and nobody answered i guess there at Mal's and Evie's dorm
I knocked and Mal answered
"Hey mal" can i talk to carlos?"
Mal: Sure. Carlos she screamed
Carlos: what?, oh hey ben
"Hey carlos, i need to talk to u"
Carlos: Sure what's up?
"U need to get married"
Carlos: Hahaha, sick joke dude.
"No, carlos im not joking the queen eleanor called and she said that u have to get married with her daughter, she also told me that she asked your mother if it was ok"
Carlos: wth, i can't get married" im in love with jane i-
"Im so sorry carlos i just came to tell u that, the daughters queen is arriving tommarow, so be ready by 10:00. Im sorry dude"

End of pov

Carlos pov:

Mal: What's wrong??
"Im gonna get married"
Everyone: WHAT??
"Im being forced to get married to sombody i don't even know and she is arriving tommarow at 10:00"
Evie: Why?
" I don't know"
Mal: Im so sorry carlos
Jay: Heyy, at least ur gonna be king
Mal: your not helping jay* she said in a mad tone, it's gonna be fine i promis
"U sure?"
Mal: yes u are, don't worry

End of pov

New day

Y/n pov:

"Mother im ready"
Queen: Im gonna miss u so much darling. Take care
"Don't worry im gonna be fine i hope"
Queen: U will be fine.
"Bye mother" I hug my mother
Rachel: Hey y/n we gotta go
Queen: bye darling
We got on the limo and it had so much candy
Rachel: wanna get some candy
"You read my mind"
We loads of candy and there were so good

"Were here, omg"
Rachel: wha- shit there's a lot of people, do i look good
"Yes, u do, oh god im nervous"
Rachel: Same here
We got out of the car and everybody was staring at us......


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