Chapter One

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"HOLLY!!! You'll be late for school!! Go hurry up! Your school bus is here!"

"I know mom. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm almost done!," I shouted back.

My mom's always like that, treating me like a child. I'm sick of it. I bet all moms are like that. Even if you are already 19, studying in college, they still treat ypu like a 4th grader.

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I sighed as I entered the school bus. I've remembered that there will be 5 new students in our school.

I hate new students...

But this time, it felt weird.

As I was looking at the bus window, I felt that my future boyfriend will be one of those..

When I arrived at school, there were still almost no one there. My mom always let me take the first trip. says it will discipline me.

Ha! She wishes.

Well, I was just there walking around, looking bored, waiting for my friends.

Till I saw a van.

"Probably the new students," I thought.

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