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There's beauty in everything. However people rarely uncover that beauty, lacking the ability to see pass their own in order to appreciate the wonders around them. At least, that's in his opinion.

Josh always thought of people as being selfish in that regard. Staring but not seeing, looking but not appreciating and breathing but not living. His camera resting comfortably against his broad chest rose as he inhaled the saltiness of the ocean before him, it far exceeds what the eyes can see and Josh appreciated it and all its mysteries. Closing his eyes,he savored the moment of perfect serenity and an untouchable state of nirvana. The wind tossed the leaves that had fallen from the almond tree around, interrupting his moment of bliss and disrupting his tranquility.

Josh's eyes shot open just in time to take notice of someone in the distance gathering pebbles. He snorted arrogantly trying his best not to laugh at the females attempt at 'throwing'.  Her wrist is far too lax. The pebble that left her hand fell at the edge of the water not far off from where she stood and she stomped her foot in evident frustration. Even from afar it was evident her day wasn't the best if the slump in her shoulders was any indicator. Her lowered head was another neon sign.

Slowly Josh started to walk towards the petite female, taking in her appearance, completely disregarding the fact that she is a complete stranger. His intentions were unknown as he had no idea why he was heading in her direction but somehow he felt compelled to do so.

Josh's life hasn't been the most pleasant when it comes to interacting with 'humans'. His past wasn't the most unpleasant but neither was it the best when he takes people into consideration. With a misanthropic personality he struggles to keep himself sane as his paradoxical issue of having introverted characteristics collide with the extrovert in him weigh heavily on his mental state of mind.

Never the less, here he was. Walking into a situation; completely oblivious as to what the outcome would be.


Haven sighed in frustration while staring at the pebbles in her hand with great concentration as if she were trying to will  them to show her a sign or maybe to tell her something.

Her sole purpose of 'throwing' the pebbles, was to release all her pent up anger and confusion. "BUT, THESE STUPID STONES WON'T CO-OPERATE!" She shouted. Finally giving up on the stones that won't grant her the answer she was searching for, discarding them on the ground she hung her head low finally feeling the true effect of the weight on her shoulders .

With Over a million thoughts racing through her head she chewed at her lower lip, trying to wish the tears away.
Haven shook her head fiercely; adamant not to cry. She doesn't cry. It never fixed anything anyways. Just trivial and time consuming.

Her throat felt as though it was closing, she was being suffocated by the tension building inside her and the world around her blurred. Haven wanted to scream just to pour her heart out by letting loose a shriek and as she was about to act on the thought, she took notice of a figure heading towards her.

Blinking away the tears that were about to fall, she squinted her eyes trying to see clearly. Without her glasses she was closer to a blind man more so now than ever.

She hastily skimmed her hands over her denim jeans to get rid of the sand that had remained after her throwing escapade. She started to scrutinize the persons outfit as it wasn't common at all. Her judgement wasn't negative; if anything she was extremely intrigued.

The hat on his head was the first to capture her attention then his suit cladded body was most definitely the next. Even from where she was at the moment, it was evident that they fitted well. What baffled her the most, was how he managed to pull that look off without being ridiculed. It looked quite...appealing, as she found no other adjective at the time. His purposeful and calculated steps also caught her attention as he slipped one hand from his pocket.

Terror set in as Haven realized that they were the only two people by the seaside at the moment. The severity of the situation dawned on her as her mind convinced her that he may very well be a psychopath coming to put an end to her miserable life. But,why wasn't she leaving?

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she fell into deep thought. Maybe he wasn't a serial killer, I mean come on Haven; What are the chances of him being a complete lunatic ? After all, you're here too aren't you?  Although truth be told you're a total nut job too. Consumed by thoughts she completely forgot that the man was getting closer by the minute. Shaking her head She pulled her self together, trying to think straight.

Upon doing so, Haven noticed that the man had stopped in his tracks and is now pulling something from his pocket, after staring for the next 15 seconds he turned on his heels and left the way he came, leaving a very confused Haven. Why did he leave and why  was she a bit disappointed that he did? Never the less, she shrugged her shoulders and released a breath she didn't know that she was holding.

Looking around her, she made a mental note to leave shortly after the stranger did in order to get home before nightfall.


As Josh made his way towards his car, his thoughts lingered with the female by the sea. He felt as though he had missed out on something important but he just couldn't seem to put his fingers on it. A story maybe? 
Pushing his pager inside his pocket with a sigh, he started the engine of his car and drove away.
But destiny and serendipity are best of friends, mischievous in their dealings and cruel in their methods of bringing two worlds together.

Neither of them knew what was about to hit them.

A tonne of bricks, as light as feathers.
How much more contradicting could it get?

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