My Character(1)

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Name: Elizabeth

Nickname: Lizzy

Age: Depends on crush. Anywhere from 17-25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Role: Submissive

Height: 5'2"

Crush: Ghostface(Billy Loomis), Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Dr. Hannibal Lector, Freddy Krueger, or Pinhead (I know it's a lot, but I love them all so much X3)

Personality: She is extremely kind, caring, sweet, and shy until you get to know her. She doesn't like hurting people but can seriously kick @$$ if needed, though she hates doing it. She actually learned a lot of self defense techniques from her mom. She is very easily flustered and it's easy to make her blush. When she's nervous, scared, flustered, or embarrassed she usually ends up stuttering.

Looks: Wavy red hair that goes a little ways past the middle of her back, dark brown eyes that look black at first glance, and a pale skin tone. Her wardrobe mainly consists of black\gothic and casual clothing. One of her favorite outfits is a plain white tank top, a pair of jean shorts, knee high black and white striped socks, a black zipper up hoodie, black converse, and a black beanie.

Backstory: She always been a bit of a loner. She always gets\got bullied in school and didn't ever have any real friends. She's gotten used to it and kind of just puts up with it everyday. Her dad works almost 24\7 and is hardly ever home. When he is home, he drinks a lot and gets angry easily. Her mom is a "stay at home mom" and she considers her mom to be her best friend. She does have depression, but it isn't too bad, or at least not as bad as it used to be. When she needs to be alone, she takes walks by herself and sometimes will stop at a quiet spot with not many people around and either draw or sing. Although her situation doesn't seem the best, she still manages to keep smiling while being kind to everyone, no matter what they may do to her. But, like any other person, she does have a limit to the b.s. she'll tolerate.

Occupation: Depends on age

Extra: She doesn't get scared very easily and it's almost impossible to make her jump. But there's one thing that always scares her and sometimes puts her to tears; yelling. She hates being yelled at, mainly if the person sounds angry. She doesn't tell anyone about this, so the only way they'd know is if they've yelled st her before or they've seen someone else yell at her.

Extra: I'm gonna say how old she'll be for each crush just to get it out if the way right now. And what occupation she has. Aaaand any other information that ya may need to know.
Ghostface(Billy): 17, still in school but has a part time job as a waitress at a small café. She goes to the same school as Billy, of course.
Michael Myers: 19, works as a babysitter but also does art and sells it for money and is trying to get into college. Has never dated or done "it", neither is in interested. Not until she finds the right person.
Jason Voorhees: 20, is a camp counselor during the summer and works as a teacher's assistant or substitute at schools. She genuinely cares about the camp and the kids and sometimes gets mad at the other counselors when they goof off.
Dr. Hannibal Lector: 25, currently works at a bar as a waitress but was\is one of Hannibal's patients and has become interested in psychiatry. She used to be suicidal and depressed, but isn't anymore. Well, not suicidal anymore, but is still a bit depressed.
Freddy Krueger: 22, is going to a college specifically for singing, hoping to become a singer. She's always had problems sleeping due to her getting distracted a lot and loosing track of time. But, she still manages to get enough sleep to keep her going.
Pinhead: 21, she's trying hard to work on becoming a writer, artist, and a singer. So far she's had a few poems published, sold a few paintings, and performed a few times at various places. She's friends with Kirsty from college.

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