The beggining

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It was a very long time ago when, the world you know, as the realm of Mianite, was just emptiness, a void of nothingness, no light, no life, nothing. The 3 gods, Mianite, Dianite and Ianite were bored of the nothingness, so together, they used their powers, and different abilities to create a realm, Mianite created the land and the plantlife, Dianite created the stars and the sun to give the new realm light and Ianite created the creatures of the realm, but she was unhappy with Dianites creation of constant light from the sun, what was the point of the stars if the sun was to bright to see them, the others agreed, even Dianite who never usually agreed with her, so they made the sun spin around the realm so half the time it is day when the sun is there and the other time was called night which was the time for resting. They then made the moon for night so that there was still a very small amount of light when it was night time. The gods were happy with the realm, but the peace between them would not last forever.

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