Chapter 3

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~Y/n's POV~
I came home last night really late from Nikkis house because we were at a party.
It's finally the weekend. I'm just in my room putting to last things in their new place. When I open the window I look out and I see that a car arrives at the Neighbors house that is up for sale. A family comes out of the car. The Parents and two girls around my age I guess. They go to the back of the trunk and take boxes out of it I guess these are our new Neighbors. I get snapped out of my thoughts when I hear my name being called.

~Y/n's POV~
~Monday morning~
I walk to school all by myself because Andy had already left to see his friends before school. I really don't want to go to school because my best friend Nikki is sick. So I'm sitting down alone at one of the table in the class room. I am barley listening to the teacher. I'm paying more attention to the boys next to me. They are the most popular boys in the whole school. They are all pretty nice. I know them because one of them is my brother Andy as I already mentioned. I got to know Rye, Brook and Jack through him and I get along with them really well they are like brothers to me. They aren't paying attention to the lesson either but talking about music. They are all obsessed with music and that's not a bad thing because they are all massively talented. Rye looks at me point at Andy and mouths: He is crazy!
I laugh and mouth: I know!
I hear the door open and I look to the door. The principal and a boy our age walk inside. The principal says something to our teacher and leaves again.
Teacher: So guys this is Ryan Robertson. Our new student. Mr Robertson do you want to tell us something about you?
Ryan: Okey...Ehm...I'm Ryan and I just moved here with my family. I love music and yeah that's about it.
Teacher: Okey you can go and sit down next to Miss Fowler. Miss Fowler would you make some space for him to sit?
Y/n: Yes absolutely.
I start to make some space for him. He walks over to me and smiles at me. But some minutes after the bell rings and everybody starts to pack their bags again. I am about to leave when I hear my name.
Teacher: Miss Fowler would you show Mr Robertson around?
Y/n: Yes I can do that.
I look at Ryan and he smiles again. He has a gorgeous smile. We walk out of the room and I ask:
Y/n: So Ryan do you know were your locker is and what your next lesson is?
Sonny: Okey first of all please call me Sonny. My friends call me Sonny. And no I don't know where my locker is. I think I have mathematics next.
Y/n: Okey Sonny. I'm Y/n by the way. So show me your schedule.
He hands me the paper and he was right.
Y/n: My next lesson is mathematics as well. So guess your stuck with me now. And your locker is near mine. I'll show you it after mathematics okey?
Sonny: Yes and I like being stuck with you.
He says with a smirk. I start to blush so I start to walk because I don't want him to know that. We walk to the class room and I hear him ask me.
Sonny: Hey can I sit next to you.
I nod and we sit down and wait because we are a little early. We start to talk and he tells me about his family. They seem so nice. He tells me what he once did while he was drunk. I couldn't stop laughing.
Andy: What's so funny?
Y/n: Sonny just told me the most hilarious story ever!
Andy: Who is Sonny?
Sonny: That's me. My real name is Ryan but my friends call me Sonny.
Rye: Hey my name is Ryan as well!
We all laugh and then the teacher comes inside and starts the lesson. This would have been the most boring lesson ever if Sonny and I wouldn't have messed around the whole lesson.
The bell rings and we finally have lunch.
Y/n: Come Sonny I'll show you your locker. Are we eating all together like always?
Jack: No me and Brook are gonna eat with our girlfriends. Double Date you know.
Rye: Andy and I will eat with you. Let's meet at our table okey?
Y/n: Okey. See you soon.
Me and Sonny walk to his locker.
Y/n: Okey let me introduce you two. Sonny this is your locker, locker this is Sonny.
We laugh and then Sonny asks me.
Sonny: And Where is your locker?
Y/n: It's all the way over here.
I say and make two steps to the right and open it and put some stuff in it. When I close it Sonny is standing there. He is leaning against the lockers and looking at me.
Sonny: Hello beautiful. Haven't seen you in a long time.
At this moment I couldn't keep it anymore and started laughing.
Y/n: I'm sorry that was so cute but cringe at the same time.
Sonny: I know but when I am hungry I'm weird.
Y/n: You must be starving you have been weird since we met.
Sonny: Okey that hurt!
He puts his on his chest and plays fake hurt.
Y/n: Oh.. I'm so sorry. How can I make it up to you?
I say overdramatizing.
Sonny: You could give me a kiss.

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