Chapter 7 : Fake Hope

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--Lee Hyeri's POV--

i woke up by the alarm that i set myself. digging myself into the blanket, not wanting to see the light. but then, i remember what day is it today. today, i promised to go out with chanyeol. i dont know why, but my heart beating really fast.

getting back into my sense, i slip out of my blanket and crawl to get my towel. i walk to my mirror and tie my messy hair into a messy bun. i grab my toothbrush and squeeze toothpaster on it. brushing my teeth violently, i start to take of my pajamas to take a warm and nice bath.

i dress nicely today, or it just nice on my eyes. just a short pink dress, a pair of white creeper, a white headband and a small white sling bag. i look way to girly, but my mom the one who choose it for me. oh yeah bla bla bla , yes i asked my mom what to wear so what. its not like i cant ask for my mom's opinions right?

"have a nice day hyeri, have fun okay?" 

"okey mom. bye!"

i waved to her and head out. we promised to meet up at the bustop, why do we have to meet at the bustop? i mean dont you tell me we are going out by using public transport? that's no fun. and yes i still remember, last time when chanyeol came to my workplace, the manager called him Mr. Park. i wonder how the manager know chanyeol.probably chanyeol's father is the cafe owner or something. but it's impossible right? or it can be true.

after awhile a tall figure appeared. it's chanyeol.

"sorry im late. i have a little things to settle but it's okay, it's done." he said

"it's okay. umm.. so where' do you wanna go?" i asked

"i've made a schedule for us. so, firstly, we are going to take some breakfast."

but i've had mine already. if i dont want to go, chanyeol will be upset.

"yeah sure! im super hungry!"

"ouh really? let's go." he said and grab my arm. then a car stopped infront of us and chanyeol open the door for me. 

"umm , should i -" i said stuttering

"yeah sure." he gave me a small smile before i enter the car followed by him.

"seriously chanyeol, you dont have to rent a limo for our 'date' haha-" me, trying to make a joke

"how could you? it's mine the way, i dont prepare this limo just because for you, somehow, happens to be there no car left at my place, so this is the only one left." he answer with his proud face.

"well that sounds a little arrogant mr. park chanyeol" 

"aww that's hurt. nahh just kidding"

we had a pleasent chat. we talk about our past, interest and family. now i know, chanyeol is the heir for Park Enterprise which is a big technology company here in korea. wow. i never expect it. he sure do live a great live not like me. oh how i wish i was from a rich family. as i daydreaming, chanyeol grab my shoulder and says "we are here" - "ouh okay"

when i get off the limo, i saw a familiar place. it's-it's the cafe! why is he bringing me here. im so ashamed to meet with the manager anymore ever since the incident.

"chanyeol! why are you bringing me here?! im so embarrassed to come here anymore. :(" i beg like a puppy while tugging his sleeve.

"ahahahhahaha, what's wrong with you it's nothing! come on!" he said while dragging me into the cafe.

when we entered the cafe, all of the barista,waiters and waitress who is serving the customer run to us, ignoring the customer and including manager run toward us and form a line and bow. i was shocked that i unable to say anything. suddenly, chanyeol speaks.

"go back to work"

all of the worker goes back to what they are doing. wow, who is chanyeol to them? i should ask. i didnt had the chance to answer him,he told me something.

"it's mine. this cafe, im telling you this because i know youre going to ask me anyway. "

im actually impressed but still keeping my image "you sound a lot more arrogant than before."

"ouh really? whatever haha by the way, what would you like to drink? americano for me"

"chocolate milkshake!" i answers, grinning.

the waiter nods and walk to the barista. 

"so, what should we talk about?" ask chanyeol while taking out his phone. 

"how should i know? haha anything,as long we dont talk about something nonsense- hey! why are you taking my picture?" couldnt finish my sentence, chanyeol took a picture of me using his phone.

"just for our first date- no-no i mean first hangout"

"dont just take mine, let's take a picture both of us, it's nicer!" i grab his phone and turned the front camera on. putting my hand on his shoulder and take a picture.

"i sure will cherish it. you wanna know something?" he asked me

"yeah sure? what is it?"

"i've never been out with girl. this is the first time. "

"haha you gotta be kidding with me. you have that handsome face that probably wouldve date tons of girls" i said while sipping my milkshake

"no. im serious. and im not expecting it to be this excited to go out with a girl" he said, giving me a little smirk.

"hey, stop making me blush!"

after the fun breakfast we plan to go to the amusement park (yes in the morning) when suddenly, a 4x4 stop infront of us when we are making our way to the subway. chanyeol sigh and pull me to his back.

"just stay still"

2 full black suited man come out of the car and talk to chanyeol.

"Sir Park asked us to take you home" one of them said it to chanyeol.

"Cant i have my time alone ?!" chanyeol yell at the man

the man ignore him and start to grab chanyeol and drag him in to the car.

"let-go--of me!!" chanyeol yell while trying to get the men let him go but failed. 

"let him go!" i yelled. tried to help chanyeol but i dont have the ability to fight those strong two men.

"it-its okay hyeri. go home safely!" chanyeol said before they closed the door and the car just past by me like the wind.

'what just happen? why is chanyeol being taken away by weird guys but he said it's okay and asked me to go home?Sir Park? do they mean chanyeol's father?no way, why would a father do that?' i talk in my head while walking home slowly and still dumbfounded.


hey guys. so im working on my second ff featuring V from BTS. i hope you guys take a look of it. i just realease the sypnosis only. will post chapter 1 as soon as i can. here's the link;

The Space Between (V BTS) :

sure to leave a comments and votes! thank you <3

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