Chapter 1:To die would be an awfully big adventure.

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AN so just a quick fill in so you guys don't get confused, I will be using mixed views(first /third person) 




I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest as I faced the gang of aristocrat boys(who were more like gorillas if you ask me), they turned to me as if hearing my heart, letting Freddie, who was up against the wall collapse in a heap at their feet looking up at them with pure terror on his face.

"Wo' do you Won'," the Biggest of them said with a frown, his caterpillar-like eyebrows almost covering his beady eyes.

"Nofin much Bu' that boy's look of horror at seeing cater's on yer face made me won' to help the lad out," I said with a smirk as he tried to look at them ,"jus' jokin," I said dryly, as his face twisted into something that would usually make most urchins scatter to the hills .                                         (AN cater's = caterpillar)

 "look tha' little scamp you ave there is one o my boys, why don' you tell me wo' he's don and I can try to compensate for your troubles,eh?" I said shooting a fake sharp look at Freddie who cowered under my stare.

"Hmf," grunted a boy in front of Freddie with no neck and all forehead, and motioned for him to move. Freddie practically sprinted to my side with a squeak as another with a watermelon for a stomach and a cane grasped tightly in his hands made for a mock- attack, before he cowered at my back shivering like a stray pup,"get back to the nest,I'll deal with you later," I said with a wink at his horror stricken face, and nudged him to get moving.

"so wo' he do?" I ask half turning to face them, a smirk forming on my pursed lips.



The three pompous gorillas pounced forward brandishing their ivory canes ready to give the poor slum boy the beating of a lifetime. Surprisingly enough for a passing girl who was curious as to why a young boy had run out of the alley with a face paler than the full moon now slowly starting to rise, only to find another boy older than the last smirking at the oafs now closing in on him. 

"The black rat of the slums, we finally meet," the biggest of them said with a malicious glare at the boy, "I have a score to settle with you."

The boy bowed low sweeping a non-existent hat off his head."And what might I ask is that score?" the boy taunted with a fox-like grin. 

"Oh, yeh'll have te find out fir yerself when your dying slowly," he replied slowly with a sadistic gleam in his beady eyes.

"Ah, but to die would be an awfully big adventure," he winked at the boys egging them on...he had succeeded, they charged.

(AN I'm not going to describe the entire fight just the interesting part's, also WARNING!!! gore/blood )

The boy ducked and rolled kicking the first gorilla in the knee making him scream in agony and crumple, the next oaf swung his cane aiming right for the boys head had he not already slid through his open legs and swung his leg up hard as soon as he had his feet under him causing the boy to let out a whoosh of breath, as he too crumpled to the ruff uneven cobblestones clutching his crushed manhood. The boy's victory at defeating the two neanderthals was short lived, as their so called leader's iron grip clamped down on his arm and violently threw him into the wall where he slumped into a puddle of what smelled strongly of piss. The last standing goon (who had smartly stuck at the back waiting for the boy to be incapacitated enough to not be beaten senseless) and the leader swaggered towards their dazed prey brandishing their canes like swords.

"Oh now I remember... your the son of that hippopotamus man with all the fake jewels," the boy drawled in his puddle of pee moving ever so slightly to get to his feet. With that taunt thrumming in his ears the leader of the pack charged like a bull ready to kill.

Blow after blow landed on the boy's some-what scrawny body, ripping at his already tarnished clothes,and where polished ivory met bare sin it ripped and gouged crewel lines on the boys filthy skin.

The stench of blood and the cries of anguish filled the dark alleyway, making the girl watching hurry past not wanting to be caught near such barbaric actions.



I lay there for what felt like hours with only the full moon above me to keep me company, drifting in and out of consciousness only briefly aware of my moans and blood pooling around me, slowly freezing as the first snows start to fall, what a beautiful time to die...


AN sorry I know I promised 1000+ words but I only managed to get up to 800(the first chapter is always the hardest) hope you enjoyed it ;)<3 

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