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Arthur remembered taking small peaks at the palace gardens when he was young. One time he managed to even sneak in to have a closer look and smell the roses. Those were memorable times; the gardeners do such a great job at tending the various species of flowers.

It was a shame Arthur couldn't see them anymore. Although there was a gallery of recollections he remembered tucked in his brain, they were rather blurry and difficult to remember completely.

Nevertheless, the man could only faintly recall the beautiful array of blue flowers that were spread around the garden. Watching the flowers dance with the wind was a calming scene to see; it was what allured Arthur in the beginning. As a child, Arthur fancied flowers, especially roses that are tinted with Spade's signature color.

It truly was a shame that Arthur couldn't see them anymore. Roses were one of the many things he missed seeing when he still had his eyesight.

At least he could still smell their scent.

Arthur was holding a rose in his hand, the petals tickling his nose as he takes in the powerful scent it carried; light, airy, and sweet. It was ecstasy when one would walk along the path of rose bushes, where the scent is stronger when they are all together.

He really loved roses; they were a beautiful little thing, but underestimate it and it would hurt you back. Arthur chuckled as he recalled the first time he saw a rose - it was so pretty he wanted to take it home and plant his own garden of roses. He remembered when his greedy little hands had latched onto their stems, only to pull his hand back quickly in pain. Only when his hand cried with blood did he realize their stems had thorns that pricked your skin like needles.

His attention was turned away when he heard water being poured in front of him. It seems he was being served tea. Placing the rose on the small table, Arthur quickly turned to where the source was coming from. A servant perhaps, female it seems. "Ah, thank you," Arthur voices. The servant must have jumped in surprise because a small drop of hot water splashed onto his skin.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" A teapot clattered before he felt a soft tissue dab onto his burnt skin. "Apologies, sir… I'm a little clumsy."

"It's fine, it didn't hurt that much," Arthur assured as he takes the tissue. "No need to fuss over me. I'm fine."

"A… are you sure? Do you need me to get you anything? An ice pack if you'd like?"

"No, thank you, it's fine, really. It was just a small splash, no harm done."

"If you say so. Do you need assistance in-" Arthur knew what she was going to say. He cut her off as he smoothly reached for the teacup in front of him - in some eyes it seemed impossible for a blind man to be so confident with his movements. "Oh… I'll be going then. His Royal Majesty will be present in a few minutes."

The servant did a small curtsy before sauntering away, her footsteps fading in volume as she exited the area.

Meanwhile, Arthur sniffed the steaming cup of tea, immediately falling in heaven as the scent of jasmine blossoms entered his lungs. Tea was a refreshment that Arthur cherished with every sip. When he used to live at the palace, his mother would fix him a nice, steaming cuppa every morning and in the afternoon. It was then when he learned of tea times.

But when they moved to the village, Arthur found himself longing for the tasty drink. Tea leaves were scarce around their area; they could only obtain it through traders and merchants who passed by their little town. They could only afford a small jar of tea leaves since they were often sought for. His mother would bring home different flavors each time she purchases one from a trader.

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