chapter nine

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Sam heard the telltale click of a gun hammer being cocked. He closed his eyes and tightened his hold on his baby. A single tear fell from his eye, landing in Dean’s curls.

“DON’T. FUCKING. MOVE,” said a voice that Sam immediately recognized. His eyes snapped open, gazing thankfully into the mirror to see Travis standing there behind the gunman with his Glock pressed firmly to his head. “Hand over the gun.”

The man released the gun as Travis reached around to grab it from the man’s hand. “Now I suggest you get on your knees.”

“Umm... Travis...?” asked Sam nervously, looking from him to Dean slumbering in his arms and back at him.

Travis gave him a mischievous grin before stepping aside to let Donna and Jodi take it from there.

Sam sighed in relief.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t make a sound. Because if you wake up that baby, you’ll be putting him back to sleep, understand?” seethed Travis.

The gunman swallowed hard and nodded as Donna grabbed the man’s arms and cuffed him. Travis helped lift him up and staggered out of the house with him.

Jodi sat down on the corner of the bed looking at Sam, she reached over to hold the sleeping baby’s hand. “I heard what you said, it was and is the truth, I want you to know That’s why Katie Cassidy was all for you adopting Dean in the first place.”

“Thanks Jodi. He’s pretty special,” said Sam, closing his eyes again. “I think I’m going to sleep for a week after this.”

“If you get to,” laughed Jodi. “I’m sure he won’t let you though.” She stood up and left them be in the peaceful quiet.


Dean squirmed into the warmth on his side. Mouthing for the baba or a binky, Dean turned his face into Sam’s bare chest, he latched on to Sam’s nipple instead of finding what he was looking for and started to suckle. Sam woke in a panic.

“Oh, baby... no, no, no.” as he quickly removed his mouth from his chest and stuck the fallen binky, in his lap, into Dean’s mouth.

He heard a chuckle come from the doorway, Chad was watching the exchange, leaning on the door frame. “You should have seen your face!” chuckling some more.

“ASS! You were just standing there allowing that to happen!?” whisper-yelled Sam.

Chad shrugged his shoulders. “Wanted to see what would happen. Now we know.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “Come take him so I can go to the bathroom. What time is it?”

Chad pushed off the door frame and walked over to the bed. “It’s a little after eight in the evening,” said Chad as he gently picked Dean up off of Sam’s now numb legs. “C’m ‘ere little man. Papa’s gotcha,” he whispered as Dean whined at the movement. “We’ll be in the living room with Grama and Grampa if you need us.”

Sam smiled as he watched Chad carry their little bundle of joy down the hall, all the while thinking of the many things that had taken place over the year that Dean had been with them. Frustrated and beyond tired, he got up off the bed, stretched out his stiff back before B-lining it to the bathroom.


“Oh, there’s my baby,” crooned Ellen as Chad with Dean snuggled in his arms came into the room.

“He’s still fast asleep,” whispered Chad as he leaned into the woman so she could fawn over the boy, while he swayed back and forth.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t had one of those awful fits yet,” commented Bobby as he refilled his coffee mug.

“He really doesn’t have them unless he’s alone. We don’t understand it.” Chad half shrugged “He knows when he’s being held and I can tell ya, Sam wasn’t about to let him go just now but nature called.” He walked slowly, so not to wake him, into the living room to sit on the couch.

Dean’s face was peaceful, his long lashes lay against the top of his adorable cheeks, his little button nose making small snuffling sounds as he suckled on the binky, his head relaxed along with the rest of his body and heavy against the crook of Chad’s arm. His arms were laid across his chest, his fingers twitched every now and again.

Once Chad was settled onto the couch, he laid him down on the cushion between himself and Bobby so he could change his bum. Dean’s arms went out to the side, startled at the new position and whined.

“It’s ok... Papa needs to change you, sweetheart,” soothed Chad as he began to remove Dean’s outfit that he had worn all day. The diaper had soaked through, leaving behind a wet spot on the side and back of the jeans and on the inner blanket that Sam had wrapped him in.

Chad quickly changed him. “Mom? Can you get some ‘jamas from the top drawer in the nursery?”

“Sure hun. How about some nice cozy footies?” asked Ellen as she started for Dean’s room.

“Yea, I think he would like that,” replied Chad as he taped up the fresh diaper.


Dean continued to whine behind his binky. Displeased to be fully naked and not in Daddy’s arms. Soon though he felt warm, his arms and legs being covered in a soft cocoon of fabric. Still asleep, contently sucking on the silicone in his mouth.

He didn’t want to wake up. He didn’t want to know if the bad people had hurt his daddy too. His shoulder still hurt where she gave him a booboo. A nice woo-woo man (EMT) gave him an Aquaman sticker (band-aid) to put on his booboo and his daddy cuddled him, making the booboo and awful events go away. He felt safe, but more importantly, he felt loved.

His face started to scrunch up, impending tears and a wail to proceed. Where is Daddy? He was with Papa, he knew, cause of the cologne Papa always wore was right there assaulting his nose. He didn’t want Papa though. He wanted Daddy to snuggle him.

“Baby, please don’t cry. Papa’s right here, sweetie,” said Chad as he picked him up, one hand supporting his head, the other moving his scrunched-up legs to either side of his lap. “It’s okay. It's okay.”

Another whine escaped behind the binky as he felt himself being lifted off the soft cushion beneath him. A warm hand behind his head.

“How old do you reck’n he is right now?” asked Bobby as he took a sip from his coffee, looking at the boy with concern.

“Maybe at most, six months,” frowned Chad as he repositioned the babe back into the crook of his arm, legs out straight over his lap.

Ellen walked back into the room with a freshly made bottle with a little rice oatmeal added to it, hoping it would fill up Dean’s tummy and settle him back into the calm.

Papa removed his binky, Dean’s mouth continued to suck, he looked like a little fish fresh out of water which made Bampa chuckle and shake his head with amusement. Papa touched the nipple of the bottle to Dean’s bottom lip, Dean frowned before opening up to it, suckling hard on it.

“Whoa, buddy. Not too fast,” said Papa as he took the bottle away. Dean began to squawk in disagreement before Papa replaced the nipple in his mouth. Dean drank it slowly this time, no way was anyone taking it from him, because it tasted like his Gama's cookies.


Sam walked out of the bedroom, freshly showered and clothed. He made a pit-stop in the kitchen for a cup of coffee before heading into the living room where everyone was lounging on the couch.

He noticed Dean laying in the crook of Chad’s arm, drinking away at a freshly made buba. He smiled to himself, thinking about the love that surrounded his little boy.

Ellen noticed him first, a concerned look on his mother’s face as she asked, “Sam, honey. Are you okay?”

“Yea, mom. I am. As long as he is,” trying hard not to let his emotions get the better of him as he nodded towards Dean, who was now over Chad’s shoulder, light pats to his back and padded bum.

“Sam, I’m worried. Dean can’t be more than six months old mentally. Will this hinder all the progress you and Chad have made with him?” Ellen wrapped him up in a tight hug.

“Actually, mom. It’s more like four months. This is how he deals with stress and the scary things. He always bounces back, as long as Chad and I, as well as everyone around him show him how much he’s loved,” he answered as he returned the hug.

Ellen finally let her son go and allowed him to sit down on the other side of Chad. She took over her own seat by Bobby.

Sam gently ran his hand through Dean’s unruly blond curls. “I think it’s time we discuss an arbitrament,” sighed Sam, the lawyer sneaking through, not looking away from his baby who was currently fast asleep.

“What would that be?” asked Bobby from the other end of the couch.



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