chapter 3

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Slight lemon warning i think lmao
Shoto Todoroki's pov
I walk down the grey stone stair preparing myself for the wrath of my father.
"Hello father." I say bowing before the ungrateful man.
"Its very nice to met you king Bakugou and your Queen." i exclaim putting my hand out for the king to shack. He smiles and shakes my hand.
"Listen up little pip squeak we came here because are son needs to marry someone not to be bothered by you." The queen exclaims quit angrily.
"I'm sorry ma'am." I say bowing once again.
"So whens the wedding?" The queen asked looking between me and her son.
"My son is not a homosexual!" My father says more angry then usually.
"Actually father if i may i actually am gay." I state waiting for his reply.
"And the pretty boy finally comes out the closet." ugh of course he had to say something. (thomas sander sanded side reference)
"What are you talking about hot topic."
"Aw you think im hot." Ugh i hate him. He's incompetent and rude. Though he its wrong. I mean look at him the mans a damn snack. He would be the whole damn meal if he wasn't an asswhole.
"Well father what was it that you needed me for?" I ask wanted to go back to my room and finish my book.
"Oh right i was going to ask you to get your elder brother but since your closer to young Bakugou's age and you are apparently gay. Go pack your things you are officially engaged to young Bakugou." I was pissed.
"I'm sorry father but i simply can't the adventurer Izuko wouldn't know where to find me."
"Are you talking about Izuko Midoriya?" The queen questions.
"To tell the truth yes but what's it to you." I so simply wanting a way out of this stupid mess.
"Well we actually know him we'll inform him you're staying with us." She was obviously mad at my earlier statement but she was smiling.
"Fine give me 15 minutes and I'll be down." I say going to pack my things.
*20 minutes later*
Kutski bakugou's POV
"Im going up there." I say walking up the west tower stairs. I hear my mom yell my name but i don't care. Once i get near his door i can hear soft moaning.
"Ugh... Uh... Kutski~.... Ugh" Wait! Did i just hear my name? Holy shit. I crack the door slowly and quietly. I look throw to see a beautiful image. Shoto is naked laying on his bed with his ass in the air slowly fingering himself as he simultaneously rubbed himself. He's still moaning my name. I got an idea and decided to put it in action.
To be continued haha im evil.

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