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'You were asleep when I got here, and I didn't want to bother you, so I left you a note to let you know that I came. By the way, you looked super adorable. -Hyunjin'

You smiled and put the note on your desk, finishing up the last touches of the app. You grabbed your laptop and headed downstairs, joining your parents at the table.

"Did you finish?" Your mother asked.

"I finished it just now." You replied, turning your laptop towards them. "You can explore it and tell me what you think about it."

You watched as your parents conversed about your work and looked through it, and when they were finished, your father looked at you. "It's very good. I think we can present this at the company meeting tonight."

"Really? Who's going to present it?" You asked.

Your mother sighed. "You are, Y/N."

"Oh," You paused. "Okay."

"Go get ready for school."

You nodded and got up, grabbing your laptop and going back to your room. You quickly got dressed and got ready, grabbing your backpack and heading to school. When you got there, you joined Yejoon and Hyunjin, and gave them each a hug.

"So, I finished the project for the business," You started. "And my parents want me to present it tonight at the company. Will you guys come?"

They both smiled. "Obviously."

You smiled and clapped, linking arms with them as you started walking. "Good, because if you said no, I would've been really upset."

As you were walking to lunch, you felt someone grab your waist and pull you back, and you sighed as you already knew who it was.

"Daehyun, get off of me." You grumbled.

"Why, baby? You like this."

You felt him kiss the back of your neck, and you shuddered in disgust. "Seriously, Daehyun. I asked you to get off of me. How hard is it for you to be respectful?"

You elbowed him in the ribcage and he let go, but he pushed you into the lockers so hard, that you hit your head on the hard metal.

"Don't disrespect your future husband, Y/N."

You pushed him off of you, again, and quickly went to the cafeteria. You sat with the boys and grabbed the back of your head, wincing at the pain.

"What happened?" Yejoon asked.

"Daehyun pushed me into the lockers."

"I'm sorry- he what?" Hyunjin started to stand up, but you grabbed his wrist and gently pulled him back down.

"Don't worry about it, Hyunjin." You smiled gently. "It was a stupid argument."

He sighed. "Is he gonna be at the meeting tonight?" You nodded slowly and he ran a hand through his hair. "Okay."

You attached the mic to your shirt backstage and your dad gave you an encouraging thumbs up. You smiled gently at him, and the stage lights turned on, cuing you. You went out on the large stage and bowed before getting behind the podium.

"Hello! My name is Y/N, and I am the daughter of the CEO's of the L/N business. Thank you all for coming to see the presentation, and we will now get started."

You pressed a button on the remote and the big screen turned on, showcasing the new app. "The new app that we have developed is an app that everyone around the world can use. You can socialize based on your likings, your style, your aesthetics, and anything else you could think of. This app lets users express themselves, and shows them that it's okay to be who they want to be."

You went through the app, showing its style and functionality, and after you were finished, you turned the screen off and bowed again. "Thank you again for coming out, and I hope you all look forward to the release of our app."

You headed backstage and turned your mic off, and your parents rushed over to you. "Why didn't you say you were part of the business?" Your mother whined.

"Because I didn't want to." You said. "Please just be glad that I did this without arguing."

You walked off and through some doors that took you to the seated area of the auditorium. You looked around for the boys as you walked through the crowds of people conversing, and your eyes went wide when you finally found them.

Hyunjin's lip was bleeding, and Daehyun had both of the boys' shirts balled up in his fist. You ran over and pushed him back, so hard that he stumbled, and you pushed him again, getting in his face.

"What do you think you're doing?" You snapped.

"Why are they here, Y/N? They weren't invited."

"I invited them!" You yelled. "Don't touch my friends again, ever. You need to stop thinking you're so important, because Hyunjin and Yejoon will always be my top priority, and you will never come before them. So next time you lay a finger on them, or even sneeze in their direction, I'll make sure your reputation is completely ruined. Not your moms, not your dads, not your family business, yours."

You pushed him back again and he walked off in a huff. You turned to the boys and quickly hugged them, and you wiped the blood off of Hyunjin's lip.

"Did he really hit you?" You asked.

"Oh, he did. He came out swinging, I mean-" Yejoon stopped when he realized both of you were staring at him. "It would've been cooler if he wasn't going after our Hyunjin."

You playfully rolled your eyes and pulled them away from the crowd, towards your parents office. You shut the door and pulled a first aid kit out, gently cleaning Hyunjin's wound for him.

"Did he hit you?" You asked Yejoon.

"I'm surprised he didn't. It would've been a lot easier for him to come after me. I mean, look at Hyunjin's muscles- ow."

Hyunjin lightly smacked his arm and laughed, making you smile. The three of you left the office and headed downstairs, and you pulled them back into a hug once you were in the lobby, kissing both of them on the cheek.

"I need to go find my parents, but be safe on your way home." You smiled.

"We will." Hyunjin said, ruffling your hair.

You smiled and walked off, going to find your parents. The boys made their way outside to Hyunjin's car, and once they were in, Yejoon slapped the dashboard, making Hyunjin look at him in confusion.

"Look at those pink cheeks!" Yejoon exclaimed, making Hyunjin smile. "You are so totally in love with Y/N!"



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