Home Again, Home Again

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It was almost six by the time I got home. I pulled myself off of Hikari and drowsily changed out of my GI. I was just about to collapse into bed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in..." I waved an arm towards the door, too tired to get up and open it myself.

"Shea? May we speak a moment?" It was my Uncle, and Sensei, Wu.

"Yeah, yeah, sure... About what?" I was so close to using my fingers to hold open my eyelids. At this point, I just want to sleep, I moaned in my head. Wu smiled, the white-bearded, tea-drinking, little-

"I think it's time." He said, acting all mysterious.

Too exhausted to think, I asked, "Time for what? Sleep? Please tell me it's sleep." He laughed.

"No, no, I won't bother you much longer, though." He folded his arms across each other in a Masterly position. "I think it's time for you to meet my team. You are ready." I bolted upright, any signs of sleepiness gone from my face.

"Now?!" He laughed again.

"No, my child. You must sleep. We will go once you are well-rested." He stepped back out of the room, hand on the doorknob. "Oh, and Shea?"

"Yeah?" He smiled at me lovingly.

"No more night watch. It's not good for you to be up so late." After he closed the door, he continued talking to himself, unaware I overheard. "Not with what I have planned for you..." I soon drifted off into sleep, ecstatic thoughts of finally meeting the ninjas I've heard so much about spilling over into my dreams.

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