A Sad Question. Chapter 3.

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Everyone was still fast asleep or they should be. Keith was placed in the room next to Pidge while shiro was placed in the first room in the hall. Matt was given another spare room in another hall that was at the end. Making Slav take the spare room next to Coran room. Allura still didnt trust or like keith making Pidge stay on her guard for keith sake. The rest seem to like keith and got along with him well. The only thing that the Pidge friends or the other take well was when Pidge explained who she truly was and how she not the Katie Holt from this world. No one took it well and Pidge had to leave the room for them to take in all the info. Keith stayed to try and help the others since he already knew and wanted to see what they were gonna say about Pidge after she left. Pidge fell asleep in her room without talking to anyone else since no one wanted to see her right now. 

It was the next morning and Pidge was heading to get some water while the others slept since she knew breakfast would go like normal or really fucked. She drank the glass of water before walking to the control room where everyone would meet up in the mornings before going to eat. It was just to check if they had any calls for help while they slept and if they needed to rush out. Pidge sat in her chair just typing on her laptop and hoping to find the guy she had to kill. 

Keith walked in and walked straight to her. He pulled her laptop away and hugged her tightly before saying he was going to use the training room and be back when everyone had to meet up.  Pidge smiled and nodded before waving him off and going back to her laptop. 

Slav walked in next and Pidge stood up to talk with him. He still seemed a little unsure and scared of her but she did try to kill him so its understandable. She stood a couple feet away letting him calm down a little and notice that she wasn't going to hurt her. 

"did you need something" Slav asked. 

"yes, i want to ask you something since you should have the answer" Pidge asked and he noticed the sadness in her eyes.

"alternate universe" Slav asked and Pidge nodded. 

"what will happen to me once i kill the man" Pidge asked with fear. 

"to you" Slav asked shocked. 

"well if i kill the guy who destroyed my alternate universe and many more then he wouldn't have came to my world and made me the person i am now, i would have been bought up different and never came to this alternate universe" Pidge said with a frown, she hated how she was smart enough to understand this. 

"i see, so you know that if you stop the man who kills so many alternate universe making this the only one left then you would have no reason to be sent ... are you sure you want to know the answer" Slav asked with worry. 

"yes, i need to know so i can chose the right path for my friends no my family here" Pidge said with a small smile. She needed to know if she should space herself with the others and just walk out of their life's. If she was just going to be forgotten then she do everything she wanted with them without care. 

"once you kill him, saving all other alternate universe then the day he was meant to be teleported to your world will be the day you die, time would catch up and you wont exist anymore ... i think you would have until the day he was meant to be sent but you could just suddenly despair as soon as you kill him since your world never happened and your life never happened" Slav said with a frown and Pidge looked to her feet.

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