Fire Storm (Skylanders Academy)

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Name: Fire Storm

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Name: Fire Storm

Element: Fire

Species: Dragon Sentry

Type: Regular

Variety: Regular Fighter

Gender: Female

Markings: None

Best Friend: None at the moment

Love Interest: Spyro

Family: Her father Phobos and her mother Pelea, both missing.

Body Color: Pale violet

Eye Color: white

Armor/Clothes Color: Black and grey

Other Colors: hair is a reddish-orange

Health: 70

Speed: 50

Armor: 20

Critical Hit: 50

Elemental Power: 70

Basic Abilities: Dash, kick, fireballs, and punch

Basic Upgrades: Armor and Speed upgrades

Soul Gem: A gem with an image of Fire Storm turned to the side. When found, the montage starts woth her spinning in a firey ring, then winking to the audience, before giggling and running into the clouds. Then a montage appears of all her moves, like all other Soul Gems.

Path 1- Fire Path

Path 1 Abilities: Fire balls, fire rings, upward pillars of fire, and flaming kicks.

Path 2- Warrior's path

Path 2 Abilities: harder punches, higher kicks, throwing enemies, and a fury of basic attacks.

Quotes: "I am a lover AND a fighter."

"Sentry of the flames, ready for all!"

"The role I was born to play!"


Voiced by: Kari Wahlgren (Starfire Injustice 2)

Species description: Dragon Sentries are beings originating from the Cloudstrike Heights of Skylands, who were tasked by Eon to protect the dragon races. The Sentries were chosen for this task because they have special abilities to communicate with dragons of certain Elements. Each Sentry was assigned a specific dragon: assignments are made to Sentries who have a similar or like element to a dragon. So Sentries were split, depending on Elements. However, very few Sentries are still thriving, because of attacks and kidnappings, so there aren't very many seen throughout Skylands. 

Personality: Fire Storm is an upbeat, cheerful teen with a love of adventure. She's unaware about her duties of being a Sentry, so she spends her days exploring the small island she calls home. She's extrovert and doesn't act shy around anyone.

Likes: Fire, warm places, hot chocolate, training, and freedom.

Dislikes: Bossy people, boredom, cold places, ice, water, and rules.

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 17

Story: Fire Storm is the last known Dragon Sentry in Skylands. After about a year she was born, her parents, Magic Elements, were sent to watch over two dragons of a rare purple scale species. While her parents took care of their assigned dragons, Fire Storm was crawling about the realm, exploring the interesting terrain these creatures lived on. Her parents didn't worry about her safety, because the dragon race were gentle, and only attacked when necessary. Some even took care of her while her parents were busy. All was well, until the darkness had broken free. 

When the dragon race became tainted with dark power, Master Eon had no choice but to seal them away. And with them, the Sentries, in hope to find some way to release the darkness from the dragons' hearts. Understanding the urgency of their task, the two agreed, but the refused to bring their daughter with them. Besides, Fire Storm was born a Fire Elemental, which is a genetic Element born in her family every few generations. Handing their child to Eon, they were sent to the forbidden dimension with the purple dragon race, hoping to tame the now wild beasts.

As for Fire Storm, Eon sent her to a small village on a nearby island, where she was raised by a Mabu couple. As she grew up, she began to discover her powers. Trying to control them, she nearly burned her house down several times. By the time she was 12, she set off on her own, heading for a more primitive side of her home island. She lived in the neighbouring forest for several years, training herself in pyrokenesis and hand-to-hand combat. Her Mabu parents were too strict for her taste, and she had a need to be free.

She often wonders why her parents were Mabus, unaware of her adoption. Not giving much thought into it, she continues to train. She soon heard from locals about an academy that accepted students sky-wide to be trained in combat and strategy, as well as cooperation. Skylanders Academy. Intrigued, she made her way to this rumoured place, asking around islands to find where it was.

When she finally made it, she quickly enrolled and began training. The training grounds in the academy were much more efficient than the forest. She thought this was fun, but the missions really intrigued her. She loved going on practice missions, making her way up to higher ranks. She watched from her dorm window as full-fledged Skylanders went off to their missions, wishing she could go with them. But she knew it'd be a long time before that happened.

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