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Daisy looked at her grandfather who stood in the scorching heat. It was noon, and the line still ticked on by. She sent him a nod as she walked inside to the viewing platform. Blue had his Blastoise out, and somehow it seemed to just decimate everything that came forth. She was awestruck by the insane amount of power his Pokémon had. It made her feel like the shower his Blastoise gave her was just a drop in the bucket. And, as the day went by, she grew more impatient for her grandfather to battle Blue.

It was 3:30 in the afternoon when the Professor finally entered the room.

"Enter, challenger," said Blue once again in an authoritarian voice.

Professor Oak entered with silence, as much of the crowd stood up. Daisy did too, clutching on to the white hat she was wearing. There was a nervous atmosphere amongst the crowd as the professor stepped up to battle. Nobody could quite understood what was going on, save Daisy and her grandfather.

"Grandpa?" Blue asked, voice cracking as Daisy saw him try to remain composed. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think I'm doing here," he responded. "I'm here to win a badge from the gym leader."

Daisy snickered from her chair. While she planned for this, it was like her grandfather to execute in such an odd manner. As the crowd sat, she sat down too, to watch the showdown that was about to unfold.

"Okay then," said Blue. "This will be a one-on-one battle, since my challenger queue is so backed up. Is that alright?"

"Sounds fine to me," said the Professor in a laid-back manner. Blue looked like he didn't know what to do with himself.

"Go Venusaur!" said Daisy's grandfather.

Daisy looked at the massive Pokémon. It was slow, but powerful, and all of the Oak grandchildren knew how carefully it had been raised. But she knew Blue, and she had faith that he had raised his Blastoise with love too. She knew that love would come out in this battle, and that her grandfather would apologize.

Blue took a serious stance. "Blastoise! Start this battle off with Hydro Pump. Make sure you soak Venusaur."

"Hmph!" said Oak. "We'll just have to launch an attack you can't withstand. Use Growth."

As Blastoise spread a torrent of water across the field, Venusaur's petals grew. The jet of water from the cannon soaked its petals and leaves. Oak let it happen, and Daisy knew an attack was coming soon.

"Razor Leaf!" Oak commanded.

Shards of leaves like needles slit through the water like thread through cloth. Daisy watched in the edge of her seat as Blue's Blastoise cried out in pain. She saw Blue flinch, but take a deep breath and continue to battle anyways.

"Use Bite on Venusaur!" Blue commanded.

The water-tortoise pounded across the field, and whipped its head down to take massive bite out of Venusaur. Daisy's grandfather's Pokémon cried out and whipped its head about until the Blastoise stumbled back.

"Mega Drain!" Oak shouted. "While it's close."

Blue smiled. "Withdraw! Then spin your shell towards Venusaur!"

Daisy took a deep breath as Venusaur shot out vines that seemed to drain the other Pokémon. But oddly, Blue's Blastoise seemed to move closer in its spin. And then, it knocked Venusaur out of place.

"Razor Leaf once again!" Oak shouted in desperation.

Blue smiled and Daisy did too. "Blizzard! Freeze everything your water has touched!"

Out of the two massive cannons on its back, icy winds swirled. The entire battlefield was coated in ice and Venusaur was frozen to the ground as the enlarged flower and leaves on its back became icicles. The flower-toad cried out in immeasurable pain. Her grandfather recalled the Pokémon.

"Thanks for the battle," said the man. "I guess I'm not worthy of your badge yet. I'll just have to return when I've shown my Pokémon as much love as you've shown yours."

Blue was frozen in confusion. "What?"

"See you home at 8:30. Daisy's making coq au vin," Oak said.

And that was her cue to go. With a smile, Daisy tipped her hat at Blue who gave her the same bewildered glance and headed out.

Looks like she was making dinner after all.

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