Part 1

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Chris rubbed his sweaty palms on the thick light wash denim of his pants as he walked down the hallway behind the assistant who had called him back. He swore it didn't matter how many films he had been in or how comfortable he felt with the script... auditions still terrified him.

It didn't help either that it had been a while since he had been in an audition. Ever since playing Cap, most roles he was offered without an audition and he was the one on the other side of the table. But today, he felt his heart beating quickly as he walked into the room and found three people sitting at the table.

He shook each person's hand as they were introduced but when he came to the last person at the table, he felt like his heart skipped a beat. The woman was so beautiful, with such life and sparkle in her eyes and he was so drawn into her. He gave her a warm smile as he took her slender hand in his and shook it while he smirked and asked her, "I didn't catch your name."

The woman chuckled before telling him, "It's Holly. I'm the writer."

"Mhmm Holly, that's a beautiful name," He flattered her, making her blush softly.

She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, looking right into those gorgeous blue eyes of his and said, "Well Chris, how about you stop flirting with me and show us what you've got."

Chris couldn't help but slap a hand to his chest, laughing at the response before shrugging, "Just giving a compliment is all. Nothing wrong with that."

"Well my husband might have something to say about it," Holly responded, making the other men in the room laugh before Chris just shrugged and took his place in front of the table and did his best, acting out a scene as the director read lines with him but when it ended, Chris forgot how nerve wracking it always was to have them tell you, "Wonderful, we'll be in touch," And then have to leave without knowing his fate.

After the audition, he walked out and climbed into his car and started the drive back to the LA house. He couldn't help but wish he was looking at the familiar tall trees around his Massachusetts home, but Chris reminded himself he'd be going home soon and would be able to get away for the holiday season.

Once he walked inside the front door, he took Dodger out for a walk and tried to distract himself by thinking of all the things he'd do when he got back to Boston but that wasn't a good enough distraction. He wanted this role so bad that it hurt. He loved this script and this character... and a perk of being on this movie would be that he'd get to spend time with the beautiful sparkly writer who had cast him under her spell.

He was so lost in his thoughts of her that he didn't notice that he had already circled around the block and was about to pass the house until Dodger let out a bark and tugged on his leash. Chris came back to reality and walked up the driveway and back inside where Chris plopped on the couch to scroll twitter while Dodger curled up on top of him.

Chris had just started laughing at a video of a toddler falling down when he heard the front door open. He knew the routine that was to follow and like clockwork, he heard shoes being kicked off, a bag dropping on the floor and keys being tossed onto the small table by the door. Next the sound of soft footsteps filled Chris' ears before a gentle hand was on his shoulder and soft lips were kissing his bearded cheek.

"So how did I do?" Chris asked, gently moving Dodger off his lap so he could sit up and look at her.

"Wow, no hello or anything?" Holly teased, sitting down on the couch snuggled up to Chris in the spot he had vacated before she reached over his lap and rubbed Dodger's head.

"It's been killing me to know how I did in that audition!" He groaned playfully, making her laugh.

"Well you did alright other than your unprofessionalism with your blatant flirting," She laughed, her eyes squinting up with joy.

"I can't help it that my wife is just so beautiful," Chris' warm smile spread from ear to ear while he wrapped his arms around her and pressed a few kisses along her neck. "Now tell me how I did!"

Holly's arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, giggling from the prickle of his beard and told him, "We never auditioned anyone else."

Chris lifted his face up from where it was buried in her neck and looked at her with genuine shock on his face. When he saw her laughing, a smirk appeared on his face while asking her, "You seriously just made me come audition just to mess with me?"

"Umm...." She playfully tapped her chin, pretending to be deep in thought as she replied, "Yeah pretty much."

He narrowed his eyes, trying to be menacing but the smirk gave him away before he tackled Holly back onto the couch and started tickling her side and making her squeal as he told her, "You're in so much trouble Holly Evans!"

Holly wiggled around from being pinned underneath Chris' hunky body. She tried to get away to no avail and kept squealing while he pushed her shirt up to tickle her stomach and rubbed his prickly beard on her. He kept it up until Holly told him she was going to pee her pants and Chris finally let go of her, dropping to lay on the couch next to her and pulled her tight against him, kissing her forehead.

"You know, you never answered my question though," Chris ran a hand through her hair. "Did I get the part?"

Holly just laughed, smiling widely at her husband.

"Yeah, you got the part." 

Audition (A one shot)Where stories live. Discover now