Prussia & Austria

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When they are fighting, they have a line which they don't cross.
Prussia doesn't mention Maria Theresia and Marie Antoinette and Austria doesn't mention Old Fritz.

They did pass that line one time...

It ended...terrible.
Believe me, you could hear them all over to my country.
Every country has a line...which shouldn't be crossed...

Prussia is 'calm' as long as nobody mention Old Fritz in a fight. He will hurt you.
Austria is 'calm' as long as nobody mentions Maria Theresia and Marie Antoinette in an arguement...

Really, you don't want to cross the line.
You...can think what specific things are a No-go in a fight with a country, right?

My line is when somebody mentions literally everything 'I' did during WW2 plus USA's things against me.
If you ever do that...
I would let my 2P out.
And hunt you with him...
All over the world...

Besides, Liechtenstein has also a line. She will kill you if you take Switzerland's name in the arguement.


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