The Dancer

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That night, I was to debut again. Tala reminded me of the importance as she threw options for my dress onto the bed.

"You botched it when you ran off during your welcoming banquet," Tala scolded as she placed down a purple gown that reminded me of a figure skater's, except for the mullet skirt. "Alpha Lamar was most displeased. This time, you have to prove to him and to the rest of the pack that you can be a Luna."

"A pretty decoration on Huron's arm," I huffed.

"It is unfair, our lot in life," Tala agreed. "But let's remember who can be seen publicly with their Goddess-chosen mate, and who can't."

I felt a spike of guilt as I remembered what I'd seen when I'd first come to the Druid Den.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to complain so much."

"I know you don't, but sometimes we need to see a little perspective." Tala pulled a rose-pink gown out and held it up to me. "I think this scoop neckline would be rather flattering, don't you?"

"I guess so." My fingers brushed against the gauzy material of the many-paneled circle skirt. It would go just below my knees, and was designed to arc out. It reminded me of the dancer and princess fantasies I'd had as a child, like any little girl, I suppose.

"Plus, it will be good for them to see you before the picnic celebration on the Fourth of July," Tala added.

"Picnic celebration?"

Tala's eyes twinkled. "Oh yes, we have one out by Glasswater Lake, it's so beautiful. You'd like the stones in the lake's bed, it's like swimming with tiny crystals."

"I didn't know that werewolves liked swimming." I glanced back at the other gowns. "I like this one. It's simpler."

"Besides, you could have a dance or two." Tala grinned coyly as she placed the hanger on the dressing screen.

I darted behind it, grateful for the privacy as I stripped the shirt and jeans I'd fought to wear during my lessons. After all, if I was to be so isolated, I'd reasoned, it didn't matter what I wore.

Although I did have such a difficult time convincing Alpha Lamar of that.

"Didn't you go swimming with the Alpha Heir?" Tala asked.

"Yes, but Huron's kind of unconventional, for a wolf."

"What do you mean?" She sounded genuinely confused.

I tugged the dress over my head. A quick glance in the mirror confirmed I'd have to do some adjusting for it to fit right. For all that Ambrose had helped tailor the wardrobe the wolves deemed appropriate for me, I still had my troubles, as any curvy girl in America did.

"Well, for one, he studied Healing Magic— that's rare, even among witches," I explained. "You've got to have a pretty forgiving heart for it to work. I can't do it."

"I didn't realize you were the type to hold grudges."

"You don't know a lot about me." Perhaps it was cold, but it was the truth.

"I guess that's right." Tala sounded disappointed.

"Huron also is the only wolf I've ever known not to immediately growl 'mine' at me like I'd the last chocolate chip cookie or something," I added as I fixed how the swishy skirt fell on my hips. "He said something else— 'it is you.'"

"Much more romantic," Tala admitted. "I can understand that, I guess. I wish you would tell us more about yourself."

"I'm busy studying and learning how to be a Luna." I shrugged and came out from the other side of the screen, holding out the skirt. "How do I look?"

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