Getting to know them

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Lance POV

I laughed when Haggar said that. I was going to ask what we can do here for fun but I was interrupted by Allura. "Wait Wait Wait he's the one that healed us and helped us escape the reason we're all here to today". When I nodded my head Allura started to cry so did Lotor they ran over and hugged me crying there eyes out. Well they may have picked me up due to my height of being so short. They put me back down after they calmed down and I asked "Can I get a tour of the ship".

"Of course Hunk,Pidge,Matt,Shiro and Keith can show you around". I nodded my head smiling and Pidge and Matt grabbed my rists. They said "THIS IS GONNA BE SOO MUCH FUN". I laughed at there enthusiasm and was pulled for the tour with Keith and Shiro  following me close behind.

Time skip

I've been shown so many things. Beautiful things may I add they have such cool training room and gardens especially. I wandered off from Shiro and Keith and saw some girl guards sparing. One noticed me and yelled "HI WHO ARE YOU". She was yellow and seemed to be very enthusiastic. I walked over and said "hello there it's lovely to meet you my name is lance I am Keith and Shiros submissive. I said giving a quick bow then looking up at there shocked faces.

At the same time they all said "we don't believe you". Which made me sad why would people think I'm liying about that. Keith and Shiro must have felt my sadness because they came running down to see where I was. Growl "there you are don't wander off again we were worried someone took you" said Keith angry at me. Which I didn't care that he was angry at me so I just did grabby hands at him. He sighed and picked me up while I strangled his neck and started to tear up a bit.

I could feel there shock in why I was tearing up. I heard Shiro yelling at the girls behind me. He was yelling at them for making me sad. I didn't care and hid my face in Keith's shoulder. I then heard Shiro stop yelling and Felt Keith walking. I hear a door open and lifted my head and saw where back in our bedroom. Keith settled me down on the bed and went in the closet to come back with some clothes.

He had a light blue sweater that reached my mid thigh. He then had blue knee socks as well and a blue head band. Geez they must really know my favorite color. I reached out for the clothes only for Shiro to stop me and say.

"Remember we choose your clothes and dress you alright. We think you need a nap to calm yourself down". I poured hated being treated like a baby, I was gonna complain but they gave me a look that said 'try us we dare you'. So I complied and allowed them to dress me and get me ready for bed.

"W-Wait can I head to the gardens when I'm done with my nap" I asked with puppy dog eyes. They sighed and nodded there heads causing me to smile. "You'll have to wait for us then" said Keith and a growl warming voice. I nodded my head fast and allowed them to let my head causing me to go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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