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You rolled over trying to find warmth but instead was met with nothing but coldness. You opened your eyes and found that you were alone and Jared wasn't in the room.

You shot up and realized shouldn't it be sunny out? You rolled out of bed and looked out the window and was met with dark grey clouds that blanketed the sky. The trees were moving so you knew it was windy and then it clicked; Texas thunderstorms!!

You always loved a little thunder and rain and a cloudy day but now you were in Texas and there thunderstorms weren't small. You turned around and heard more than one voice so you decided to see who it was.

You quietly walked down the stairs and followed the voices into the kitchen. You stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked around the corner.

You saw Jared standing up with what looked like coffee in his hand, then there was jensen sitting on one of the chairs at the table and then Danneel sitting next to him.

You heard one more voice though, so you looked more around the corner and saw misha and his wife Vickie sitting at the opposite end.

They all looked happy and you'd didn't want to intrude. You turned back around and went to walk back up the stairs but your foot missed the step and you fell. "Shit!!" You caught yourself but now your hands hurt.

God why weren't you born graceful?? You asked yourself. You were always falling and tripping over everything even trying to walk upstairs.

You yelling shit caught everyone's attention so now you were sprawled out on the stairs while everyone ran in.

You got up red faced and humiliated that you just fell going upstairs and now everyone was staring at you. Your hands hurt bad from catching yourself so you held them trying to make the pain go away.

"(Y/n) are you alright?" Jared asked you. You nodded your head and decided to face your fear and turn in there direction. "Yeah I'm good.. just uh trying to walk upstairs and" you explained.

Misha being misha started laughing and Vickie playfully punched him. Jensen was smiling but trying to hide it while Danneel was looking concerned and Jared just had his puppy dog eyes on.

"Did you hurt anything?" Jared asked, you looked down at your hands and they were red "kinda..I mean..I guess I caught myself on the step with my hands so now my hands hurt and are red" You said looking down at them.

Then Jared grabbed your hands gently and looked at them and started rubbing them and surprisingly the pain started to fade. "Come on meet everyone" jared said pulling you off the steps and in front of everyone.

Misha came and hugged you and was still laughing "I can tell I'm gonna like you" he said pulling away. You smiled "you too".

Vickie came up and hugged you as well and said "I'm sorry he's a child in a mans body but I love the man" you laughed "it's fine I'll just have to get my own payback" you said.

Danneel came up after and gave you a quick hug and looked at you and sighed "Were going to have so much fun with just us girls" she said. you smiled excited, "I can't wait".

She went back over by Jensen who was now walking up to you "Long time no see friend" you said smiling. He smiled and laughe while hugging you.

You looked over at Jared who was smiling wide and staring at you. You smiled back but then noticed everyone was staring.

"Come on lets let the boys do there thing" Danneel said beckoning Vickie and you to follow.

You followed them into the kitchen while the boys went outside to do who knows what.
You sat down while they were sitting down.

"So tell us; what do you think about Jared?" Danneel asked smiling. You looked over at Vickie and she winked making you laugh.

You looked down "well he's kind and sweet for one and he's caring." You looked up and saw them smiling "what?" You asked.

They shook there heads "nothing nothing". You shook your head knowing what they wanted to hear and you thought what's the harm.

"Ok fine I admit it, Jared Padalecki is going to be the death of me. I like him a lot more than friends and I always have." You admitted to them.

They started cheering and stood up and hugged you making all of you laugh. "That's what we wanted to hear" Vickie said. You giggled and looked outside in the back yard.

"Shall we go see what the boys are up too?" Vickie asked. You happily agreed and started walking to the back yard.

All of you walked out and saw them messing around in the yard. Vickie walked up to misha and Danneel to Jensen making you walk up to Jared.

Jared smiled down at you and grabbed your hand lacing his fingers through yours. "Beautiful weather huh?" He asked. You looked up and saw the sky has gotten darker and nodded your eyes exploring the sky.

Suddenly there was a flash of lighting and a huge rumble of thunder. The boys stared at each other and smiled. Another boom of thunder littered the sky and then you heard a noise and it drew closer.

Then all of a sudden the boys latched on to all three of you and it started to down pour soaking all of you.

You started to laugh and scream and tried to escape inside but Jared wasn't having it. You tried to signal for help but then noticed that everyone else was trapped as well.

You laughed trying to get out but was already soaked. Jared was laughing finding it amusing that he was holding you out in the rain. You gave up and just let him hold you. You looked up and saw Jared's hair in his face so you reached your hand up and pushed his hair out of the way.

Jared started to move his thumb back and forth wiping the rain from your face but then gave up. Another rumble of thunder cut through causing you to jump and make him laugh.

You shook your head and smiled. "Hey Jared were going in!" Jensen yelled. "Ok we're coming!" Jared responded back. He looked down at you "by the way you look beautiful out in the rain".

You blushed and Jared laughed taking your hand again and leading you inside. You walked in and misha was shaking his wet hair like a wet dog.

Everyone screamed "Misha!!" And he laughed. "Hey man we're going to go get changed" Jensen said. "Ok" Jared said.

Misha and Vickie then disappeared as well and then Jared led you upstairs to his room. He grabbed two towels one for you and one for him.

You took it gladly and wrapped yourself in it. "I'm gonna go change" you said turning around "ok just meet down in the living room when your done" he said.

You nodded your head and walked out to get changed. You grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and grabbed out Jensen's sweatshirt he gave you. You slipped those on and grabbed your blanket wrapping yourself in it.

You walked down to the living room and saw Jensen and Danneel curled up on a couch and misha and Vickie on another. Misha was laughing at whatever Jensen was saying so you sat down on the empty couch.

You listened to them for a while and then felt the couch dip and saw Jared. He sprawled out on the couch and you looked at him confusingly. "Come on" he patted the couch.

You walked up and laid down curling into his side. He wrapped an arm around your side and all of you agreed on a scary movie to watch and let's just say everyone was glad they had each other and one by one everyone fell asleep with smiles on there faces.

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