Part 14 [Last] ♡

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♡ Ups & Downs - Last Chapter ♡
"MAMA MAMA SOMEONE'S HERE!", Ally, your little girl shouted from across the room. She was standing on a chair, looking out of the window.
"Who is it honey?", you kissed her cheeks, looking outside. You were shocked to see her. The past four years were hectic. You lost the box, lost connection to her, leading her to kill your baby. Eventually, she didn't manage to even hurt you, with Baekhyun secretly protecting you, until you realized he kept the yellow box of letters under his bed. You realized he was the one who's protecting you all along, especially during your pregnant months. You both moved, he had it planned without you knowing to keep the baby safe. But now she's here, right in front of your new house, far away from where you've lived before. What's this all about?
" Honey you stay here, I'm just gonna have a little talk with her. "
" But mum--- ", Ally whined. " Do you want ice cream? "
" Yes..... "
" Be a good daughter and wait for me okay? "
" I will. ", she sat down, playing with her barbie dolls.


You went down, greeted by her, Jia. A bouquet of flowers welcoming you. " May I come in? "
" Yeah, why not? ", you were stuttering, but welcomed her in.
" So..... What brings you here? ", you lead her to the kitchen.
" To beg for forgiveness. ", her voice calm yet serious. You stopped. What?
" Yes, this sounds absolutely unbelievable, but yes, I'm here to say sorry. I---- I didn't knew what came into me when you came in into Baekhyun's life. It was probably 99.9 jealousy, i'm sure of that. Probably, god has its own ways to make people happy, to have to take someone i love away, but in the end, it was not him all along. And now, i'm happier, not that im less happy with Baekhyun, its just that, i feel a lot happier now, engaged to Kim Sheu In.", she ended, showing her diamond ring.
You had your mouth covered with your hands, trying not to squeal? " oh my god congratulations! ", you both squealed & unexpectedly, hugging like you were both friends from the very start.
" I've forgiven you okay? Don't think about it too much. "
" Thank you, Young-ah. I truly don't deserve forgiveness at all....."
" Everyone deserves forgiveness Jia, everyone. "


" Uh what's going on in here? ", Baekhyun's. It's Baekhyun's voice. The expression plastered on his face was priceless. " Everything's fine, don't worry. ", you came to hug him. " I guess I should be going. ", Jia smiled, walking to you.
" Here's the invitation, do spare some time on me will ya? ", she handed you the wedding invitation.
" Of course. ", you laughed, walking out with her.
" Don't you want to spend a little bit more time here? ", you suggested, seeing how far she has travelled.
" Nahh it's okay, have fun today okay? It's not easy to have him coming back early. See ya! ", she entered her car, waving. Seeing everything turning all better, seeing the light after all the bullcrap you've been into. Eventually, things will turn out alright, although you suffer a lot in the past.
" So, what's for dinner? I'm really really really starving! ", Baekhyun's arms wrapped perfectly around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder. " Hmm how about pizza? ", you suggested, craving for em.
" Nahh..... "
" How about spaghetti? "
" No..... "
" How about you decide Byun Baekhyun. "
" You sure bout that? ", Baekhyun smirked.
" Of course? ", you raised an eyebrow. " Okay, to be honest, i really want....... "
" Want? "
" TO EAT YOU! ", he shouted, carrying you up.


"YAHHH LET ME DOWN!!! ", you screamed.
" Sure my princess. ", he laid you down onto the couch, but you're 100% sure he won't do this so easily. Your eyes round as a ball, trying to run away but Baekhyun being strong, he held you down, and did the worst THING EVER.
" YAH YAH STOPPPP IT!!!! ", you screamed, laughing, you're not even sure. He was tickling your toes, you might accidentally kick his face, or just do it on purpose. " What's the magic word? "
" PLEASE!!! "
" Good girl. ", he stopped, hovering over you, placing a kiss on your forehead. How lucky you are to have someone who makes you happy 24/7. To have someone you never thought you'd own them. To have someone you once hated. " I love you. ", he whispered. You'd never get bored of that sentence. You appreciated it, although he tells you every single day.
" I love you too. ", you replied, now, getting a long passionate kiss on your lips, with someone you could call yours, forever & ever.





{ thank you for reading, and most importantly, thank you for waiting. it's been like a month or more than that? i'm truly sorry. and i'm sorry if u didnt expect that kind of ending, we probably have different perspectives? i hope u do like the ending :) i'll be working on a chanyeol story next, it'd be a lot more fun since everything is in his p.o.v. ! so i hope u anticipate the next story. thank u and goodnight/ goodmorning/ good afternoon/ good evening? hehe :) }

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