The Forgotten One

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My job is to slay heroes. Well, not the regular save the universe heroes, but demi god heroes that seem to get carried away with themselves. Confused? Let me start at the beginning.

My name is Lena, no last name, and my father is Hades. Yes, Hades, Lord of the Underworld. See I live in Greece, on Olympus actually. I am the half mortal child of Hades and a mortal woman. Who was this woman? I don’t know, I never met my mother. You see Hades got tired of Persephone’s absence one year and decided to wander among the humans for a while. He met my mother and blah blah blah, here I am. Me and my twin brother Luka. Hades took us from my mother and brought us to Olympus to live with the gods. Zeus and Poseidon were less then impressed with Hades indiscretion and so they shuffled us both off to train in the heroes camp. I think they hoped we would be killed so they wouldn’t have to fulfill their promise to their brother to keep us safe. I mean an accident is an accident after all right? 

Well things didn’t quite go to their hopes and instead of being killed or maimed our first week we excelled at the physical training and tactical strategy that the camp taught. Soon we were the best warriors at the camp and the others were starting to hate us. We never separated, in a desperate attempt to keep each other safe, so we were a deadly team. You might be able to sneak up on one of us, but never the two of us. Zeus finally had to take notice to us and he decided to test us. He sent us on a quest to take down one of the hundreds of demi gods that wandered the earth. See having a mix of human and godly blood can some times drive a person insane and they have to be put down. But this godly blood also gives them certain strengths and powers. They need another demi god to take them out. Zeus saw us as a way to get rid of these crazy demi gods. No matter that they were never told the truth about themselves and their parents, they were to be dealt with. Luka loved our job, me not so much. I enjoyed fighting, I enjoyed planning and I enjoyed finding a person’s weakness and taking advantage of it, but I was less then enthusiastic to be used as a god’s assassin. I hated Zeus with my father’s passion. But since he is the king of the gods I have no choice but to do as he wishes. My father has sent for us a few times but Luka refuses to go to the Underworld, and I won’t leave him behind. So I’m stuck, here on Olympus.


“We have a job dear sister.” Luka said to me as he held out a rolled up piece of parchment. I recognized the black ribbon tying the parchment and sighed. Indeed, another job.

“What now?” I asked getting up from my lounger where I had been watching the mortals on earth. A rare present from our father had been a mirror which showed you the earth and I liked to watch the normal people. 

“One of Ares’s brats has run amok.” he grinned. Luka hated Ares and his children. Once at camp one of Ares’s sons had pinned me to the ground and was working his way to ripping my armour off before Luka had found me. I was just angry but Luka was furious. He was convinced that if he hadn’t have gotten there in time I would now be carrying another of Ares’s grandchildren. I shuddered at the thought. The thought of any man having me was enough to give me the cold sweats. Luka was the same way with women, he enjoyed looking at them but would never give himself to one. It was a running joke among the others here. Some even muttered that we satisfied each other. That was rather disgusting on all levels. I mean Luka was a good looking young man I guess, with the same raven coloured hair as me and the same ice blue eyes but he was my brother. He was taller then me by almost a foot and we both had a sleek slim build. We also had plenty of offers from the opposite sex but we were just not interested. Maybe Hades had cold blood, I mean we were his only two children and that had been from the one encounter. While the other gods seemed to have children running around everywhere.

“Again? Does Ares carry a certain strain of insanity that he passes on to his kids?” I asked looking at the portrait drawn upon the parchment. He had the same dark hair that Ares did and even the same wild look in his eyes. Ares, now that man had hot blood. Every couple of months we were sent off to kill one of his kids. 

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