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"Gosh, I'd hate for that to be me."

Tilden said, a girl walking by in an unhemmed academy skirt, the thing almost a dress on her. Augustine chuckled, and covered her mouth. Her and Tilden were sitting in the courtyard after school, enjoying the weather, and the fresh meat walking around. Sipping on their ridiculously expensive coffees from the dining hall, they were judging the passerby's without much of a care. As elites, it was almost their right to do whatever they wanted, as long as the principal wasn't involved. Even she had no real authority over them either.

There was no real hierarchy, but the elitism at this school was something that was never explained, but always implied. There was a one percent of the one percent at Kingsbury academy, and this fact was well known to the less fortunate that would never get a taste of that life. Augustine let out a sigh, as she let her thoughts slip away. There was no need to focus on things she could never change.

Her eyes lost focus, looking up at the almost clear blue sky above her. She let her eyes close, and let the soft rays of sunlight hit her face. The velvety sound of Tilden's laughter caused her to open her eyes a few seconds later.

The only reason why she usually remained after school was at his own practice, and she therefore really had no reason to stay.

Her eyes fluttered to the ivy that were like a thicket of vines up the aging walls of the beige school. The two looked as if they were one, the greenery firmly attached onto its host.

It almost reminded her of herself and Lenox.

The ivy was stuck to the wall, but was still able to grow separate from it. They were two different entities after all.

Although one was more dependant in this case.

Shifting her clear blue eyes around to look at the passerby, Tilden spotted a girl with thick wavy hair, and glasses.

"Look at thunder thighs," she snickered, placing a dainty hand over her reddening face, "oh my gosh I'd be embarrassed to go out," she shrieked, and Augustine let out a small chuckle, giving her a sideways glance.

It was their game to pick out ill fitting uniforms of the grades below them, but Tilden almost always made it a match of who could be more rotten about passerby's. Sure, Augustine was not innocent, participating every once in a while, but she never went after another person as egregiously as Til did.

It didn't matter to her though. She was skinny, rich, and had a fire to her that no one could put out. Self confidence was one thing, but Tilden was conceited, and Augustine swore she was only self important, lacking the basic function to care too much for anything else.

"Okay Til, I have to go. Homework waits for no one," Augustine said, slipping the decently weighted bag on her right arm. As the bag weighed her down, the prospect of being free from this interaction made her feel light.

"That's too bad, we were having so much fun," Tilden said, sticking her plump lower lip out into a pout. Picking up her charcoal coloured bag, she expectantly held out her arms for a hug.

Augustine tensed up, and gave the frail girl a light hug before going their separate ways. Scurrying to her car, Augustine let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She was not joking when she said her homework was not going to do itself (at least that what she was trying to convince herself).

Walking down the paved road, her toes pinched from wearing her Louboutins. The brand new, extremely gorgeous, and not broken into shoes left her in a trance this morning to wear them out, but left her in more pain then she bargained for. She stood still for a second, closed her eyes, and continued on her way. Muttering under her breath, she walked with an intensity towards her car.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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