Chapter 4 the overall decision

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Your p.o.v

As I sat in my class, I could feel two pairs of eyes boring into my figure. I could only assume it was the twins, as they'd look away very obviously everytime I'd look in their direction. At the end of the class I sigh, and watch as the fore mentioned twins walk over to my desk. "Have you made a choice yet?" They asked me, I honestly wanted to pretend I didn't know what they we're talking about. But they'd been asking me about it every day after class ever since I was given the offer. I had eventually gotten used to their presence, warming up to them and being more natural. I had finally come up with a decision, and was going to spend a few moments discussing with Tamaki. "Yes, I have. But I'm not telling you, I'm going to talk to Tamaki." I got up from my desk, grabbing my things, and as I left, I stuck my tongue out at the twins. I headed to the host club room, opening the door, paying no attention to the dramatic welcome. I walked over to Tamaki, "I've made my choice, I'm going to accept your offer. But, only after I hear all the specifics of my duties." Tamaki started getting really excited, which was to be expected. Kyoya walked over towards me, "I'd be more than happy to explain things to you." I nodded at his offer, and listened intently as he explained my duties. After his speech, I wrote some things down in a note pad, and looked between the two. "Alright, I accept your offer." They explained that I could either start today, or tomorrow. I decided tomorrow, so I could watch them today to take pointers. They agreed it would be more convenient to start tomorrow. I sat in a separate area, not too far away from the other areas. I observed exactly what tactics they used, and started working on the kind of person I wanted to show myself as to customers. While thinking, I hadn't even realized that the twins had come up behind me. They tapped my shoulder which startled me, and I let out a cute little shriek. I heard the room get a little quiet, and heard a few customers say "that was so cute!" And some girls fangirled, that's it! I decided, I was going to be a cute scaredycat. I turned to the twins smiling brightly, I noticed they had a slight blush on their cheeks. "You guys just gave me the perfect idea for my hostess personality." My eyes sparkled, and I noticed them smile at my expression. "You're welcome?" They chuckled, not really knowing how they helped. The host club finished up after a while, and I eventually gave the entire host club my number. While walking out of the school, the twins started walking beside me. "Where ya headed (y/n)?" I chuckled and looked at them, "I'm walking home ya doofuses." They raised an eyebrow at me, "where's your family car?" I looked at them, my smile fading "I can't use my family car. My parents don't let me use any of that stuff, I don't have any servants either." I looked away, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me. "Well, that's stupid. We could probably talk to your parents and get them to let you have the access." I smiled at them, "that's nice of you, but you really don't have to-" they cut me off. "We're going to, whether you want us to or not." I chuckled at their behavior. "Whatever you say."

Author's note

Hey y'all I'm proud of this chapter, but I haven't proofread it. So if there's any errors just let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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