What if there was a place out there were there was creatures besides humans and animals that no one knew of? what if there were suck things as vampires and wear wolfs or Angels and Demons? what if that all became a reality? Haha yeah right the chances of that actually happening are like sponge on ever getting him license. You joke all you want but it's true. There are creatures out there Beyond our own kinds. I used to be just like you a non believer but things changed. You to will believe soon enough we just need to wait for the right time to tell you . Most humans are to in denial of the obvious things, they don't want to admit to all the bad in the world. But is the bad really that bad? honestly it's what you make of it. before I go any farther into the present I'll just start from the beginning . Maybe then you can fully understand what I'm saying instead of being creeped out. Now let's head into the dark tales of Arden Lynx.
Its about three weeks into October, I had just moved into Omaha Nebraska with my dad and "brother" Jack. he isn't really my brother my dad has known his mom ever since we were little and his mom died so my dad took him in. Anyways I moved here about a week ago I haven't been here since 2 years ago do to an accident that happened. I don't remember anything about this place or what happened all j know was no body likes to talk about it. I have this picture hanging in my room of this boy and me at a dance but I don't know who it is. I also have a box in the Attic labeled 'ardreana my birth name. I'm not allowed but in the attic and I don't know why but I don't question it. My dad tries not to speak about anything unusual to me or my brother so he mainly is at work. As for Jack he is just as clueless as I am. Back where I started in left on my own to solve this big secret to find out what happened to me that no one wants to talk about.