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~Kirishima's POV~

Bright beams of light woke me up the next morning. They were sneaking through the nursery curtains right on my eyes. I was feeling much better. The nursery was cold so I had a rough night. I looked at the clock on the wall beside me. It was 15:00 and I didn't want to pass dinner. I stood up, wore my orange overall and headed to the "cafeteria".

I took some food and looked for a table.I finally found an empty table and sat down.

"Yooo! I told ya he's a damn Psycho!"

A guy was sitting on the table behind me and started a conversation with his friend about deku...?

"I was walking past his Cell this morning and he was literally laying on the ground whispering smth..He creeped me out! Then a bunch of guards came running and took him away. They say that after the incident ,he's been having some psychological problems,I never believed what people were saying , but apparently its true."

I was speechless. I stood up leaving the food on the table and entered the yard outside the building. It's 16:00 already. I sat down on a broken bench, feeling guilty af, cos of how Deku ended up. Hmm.. what was that incident they were talking about.. maybe he just remembered smth that had to do with that "incident" maybe, I wasn't guilty at all. Everything is just killing me.. I feel like I am missing something, something important nothing makes sense!

______________Time skip _________________

I should better get going soon, we are not allowed to be outside our cells after 22:00.

"Hey kid where are you going?"

Oh.. The Mineta gang

In order to survive in this prison you have to be a member of a gang and in order to do that you have to be strong. Whimps like me have to suffer everyday. The mineta gang is one of the strongest gangs in our prison and you really don't wanna mess with them.

"Wanna have some fun with us today?" Said Mineta licking his lips,looking thirsty

Even if I said no they would still do those horrible things to me..so I just kept my mouth shut. Denki grabbed me and pulled me to the very back of the yard so nobody could see what we were doing. They did some awful things to my body and then left me on the ground, hurting. This time I couldn't get up, so I just stayed down and closed my eyes.

" You stupid f*ck!"

That was a familiar voice.. I lifted my head and yes it was Bakugou.

"So that's why you are late, you should've told me sooner I could've done something, I could've protected you..."

Tears started flowing down his cheeks to his collarbones as he was manically trying to wipe them.

"What have I done to deserve this.."

Just seeing him like that broke my heart.. I don't really know why he wanted to protect me but.. He looked like he had a good reason and that was enough for me!

Sorry for not updating I had no inspiration;-;

Sorry for not updating I had no inspiration;-;THIS FANART IS SO CUTE BTW (>人<;)

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