chapter 2

14 1 7

I am looking for an exit from this world of fear I can see the path that leads the way. One step forward and two back again I wish the wind would carry a change.." bless you christina perrie for singing to my soul. I looked through the corridor's window at my school bus while my friend Rana stood beside me both of us staling to head to our hidious classrooms.

"Is it so bad that I am officially enving my bus driver for being sat outside doing nothing while I have to attend classes!?" I ask her and we both share a laugh because yes! I am on the verge of throwing myself of a cliff.

"Oh not at all yaz me and sal have an escape plan from this hellhole" she tells me amused.

"Fill me in on it" I tell her.

"Simple my grandma have an empty apartment in stanily since she in america its empty we will run away and live there." she explains her runaway plan.

"You know what! I like it!" yup I have officially gone haywire.

That hidious sound rings indicating the start of the school day. Oh great! Jollymoly.

" I am not leaving yet" Rana tells me as we both stale around in the corridor not quite ready to head to our classes yet.

"I will kill sal for coming late and missing our chance at seeing her today in the morning." I tell rana as we stand before my class. Yup highschool only allowes me to see my closest  bffs in the morning and in break time ONLY! Yup Life sucks *wink* *wink* (my agreed on moto)

"Ugh! This day just doesn't want to come to an end does it!? Damn." I groaned as I sat in geography trying to fight sleep. I don't know about you but I lose my energy after break if its not obvious.

"The lessons are dragging on! We still have four more periods to survive." yasmeen tells me.  Great!


I sit on my desk in my room trying to claw my eyes away from my phone and get started on my homeworks and studying but somehow my eyes are magnitized to my phone screen and just wont move! I tried but the story I am reading is way too intreging to be left now!

"5 more minutes and I will get started" I told myself that an hour ago. Pathetic right? Yup my subcounsious pops in. That was a retorical question subconcious plz mind ur own busniess now. 

When I have finally put my phone down and opened my book again I was torn between weither i should start with physics or math which I ended up doing both. 

About an hour later I was already bunking studying and stalking the update accounts for the boys on twitter. Yeah I don't have alife if it's not obvious.


Next morning

I press my dismiss button on my excisively loud alarm clock dissmising it and in the same time pressing repeat to the previous day. I roll off bed yet half asleep and crawl to the bathroom not literally but you get it, Right? When I have finally managed to wake up and wash my face I go get dressed in my hidious uniform. Now the school thinks  that we are really going to follow the rules and dress into that hilarious dress that does nothing but infacise your chest size and waist regardless if that suits your body and AGE or not!  But ofcourse we dont. The P.E uniform is our friend, well kind of anyway.

By the time we have to go to the bus stop haidy is still running around not quite ready yet which isn't out of the usual. I stand by the door inspecting myself in the mirror by the door waiting for her to tie her laces before we finally head down.


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