chapter 11

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Harry: so how does adoption work?
Severus: we both sign these adoption papers then we send them to the ministry of magic with the reasons why you need adopting and taken away from your blood relatives. Then after a couple of days I will get a letter telling me that you will now be my son.
Harry nods.
Severus: let's sign these papers then.
Harry nods again. Severus gets the adoption papers out and a quill out. Severus signs them first the Harry. Then Severus writes down the reasons before folding the adoption papers up and putting them in his pocket. .
Severus: I'll go send these off to the ministry of magic now. I'll be back in a bit Harry
Harry: alright.
Severus then walks out.
Narcissa: now you all must be hungry. What would you like to eat Harry, Draco?
Ferret Draco looked at his mother then at Harry.
Draco: I'll have whatever Harry has.
Harry: i-i get to pick?
Lucius: of course you do Harry.
Harry: i-i've never picked before.
Ferret Draco ferret growls
Draco: I so want to kill that blood family of yours Harry. You should have been able to pick what you want. What about Hogwarts?
Harry: her- I mean Granger and ro - I mean Weasley always picked what I ate at hogwarts
Lucius: they never let you pick?
Harry shakes his head saying no that they never let him
Narcissa: well now you can pick dear. So what do you want?
Harry: c-can I have a ham sandwich please?
Narcissa: of course.
Narcissa walks out to go find the house elves, not wanting to scar Harry, to ask them to make ham sandwiches for every one.
Lucius: I need to get something from my office.
He walks off leaving Harry and ferret Draco alone.
Draco: why didn't you tell anyone what the mudblood and weasel was doing?
Harry: it didn't matter.
Ferret Draco was just about to say something else. When narcissa walked in carrying sandwiches and Lucius follows. She placed the sandwiches on the bed.
Narcissa: eat up everyone.
Everyone grabs a sandwich and starts to eat.

What will happen next? Will Snape be allowed to adopt Harry? Will Draco turn back? Read on to find out

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