Killer Frost

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Authors note
This picture is the first time Caitlin became Killer Frost which was episode 7 season 3.

Barry's POV

"Barry attack at downtown central city." Caitlin tells me.

"On it" I say

I go and Savitar standing there than he chokes me. Then a breach opened and it was Cisco and Caitlin. And Caitlin froze Savitar and savitar broke out and ran away.

"Barry are you ok?" Caitlin asks

"Ya I'm fine Cait just cold." I tell her

When we're at star labs Caitlin checks if we're ok.

"Barry your already healed. Cisco just take a few aspirin and you should be fine." She says

"Thanks Cait" I say

"For what?" She asks

"You saved my life" I say

"You saved me plenty of times."she says

Caitlin's POV
When I walked out the med bay my eyes turned white and back to brown.

"I'm going to go to the station to interrogate one of alchemy's partner." Joe says

I go to the station and go to the room joe is in. I knock on the door.

"Caitlin what are you doing here?" Joe asks

"The team needs you at star labs." I lie

He leaves and I go in and turn to killer frost not fully Killer Frost.

"Where is Alchemy?" I ask

"I don't know." He says

Then I here guards coming I use my ice breath and they come in but doesn't see me leave then I see Julian Albert and I take him to a frozen food warehouse.

Joe's POV
"Guys do you guys need me?"I ask

"No who told you that we're ok on our own." Barry say

"Caitlin came to the station and told me you needed my help." I say

Barry's POV
I run to the station

"What's going on captain?" I ask worried

"Your friend is in big trouble took Julian Albert hostage." He says showing me the security footage.

"She's smart she froze the camera before we could identity her. We thought you knew who it was." He says as he walks away.

"What are you doing Cait?" I whisper

I ran back to star labs

"It's Cait she's killer frost but her hair was still brunette with a streak of white hair it like she's not fully Killer Frost." I tell them

"Barry she's gonna be ok." Joe assures me

"No she's not Joe she will get arrested because of Killer Frost!"I yell

"Barr calm down." He says

"Cisco find her now please!" I yell

"Ok but how?" He asks

"How did you track captain cold 2 years ago?" HR he asks

"We look for cold signature. Frozen food warehouse." He says as I run out.

I run to the frozen food warehouse and saw Julian and Killer Frost was about to kill him I ran him back to the station and then I run back.

"Cait you don't want to do this you don't wanna hurt anyone." I say as the police come in.

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