And the devil said "put the alphabet in math."

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Helen sometimes wondered if her teachers conspired to make her life miserable. This theory seemed especially likely that day, as she was swimming in homework. She sighed.

BRIIIIIINNNGGG! Her phone rang. Startled, Helen tipped backwards in her swivel chair, but just before her head could hit the ground and crack open, she caught the edge of her doodle-covered desk with the toe of her sneaker. 

Helen picked up the phone. The caller ID told her it was Gabe, her closest friend, and the big brother she wished she had. One who wouldn't leave her to move to Europe to marry some stupid foriegn exchange student (who looked like what happens when a rabid polar bear eats an upside down pig only to regurgitate it into a puddle of oil, sap, tar, mud, and glitter).  One who had her back.  


"Helen! That was quick. I was wondering if you wanted to come over at five," Gabe said.

"I've got homework, so I can't watch a movie or play chess."

"What do you know, I have homework, too!" Gabe exclaimed. "Maybe... we could do our homework together.

"What an absolutely genius idea! How did you ever think of it?" Helen responded with equal enthusiasm. And equal sarcasm. She checked her watch. "See you in half an hour. Bye."

"Bye. I love you."

"Yeah, you too!" Helen hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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