Five Gifts // Chazz Princeton x Reader.

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A necklace.

Sapphire heart surrounded by glimmering diamonds, hung on a sparkling silver chain.


Teardrop diamonds that shined like the stars themselves when the light hit them.


Rose perfume, a sweet and intoxicating scent that came in a glass bottle, a golden rose wrapped around it.

A teddy bear.

It was huge! Enormous! Fluffy and marshmallow white and almost bigger then Chazz himself.

They were all beautiful, expensive gifts that any woman would adore! So...why didn't you? Every time Chazz had given you a gift, he'd had a certain idea in mind.

The necklace would glimmer on your pretty neck.

The earring would shimmer and shine.

The scent of the perfume would hang on you so sweetly.

You would coo over the bear, giving it a big squeeze.

And then you would thank Chazz, smiling at him and looking at him with those beautiful eyes. You would be so happy! So touched! So why weren't you then? Oh, you were polite with him. You always thanked him for the gifts but...

You didn't like them much, did you?

No...and he wasn't sure why! He'd seen plenty of women swoon over such things! His father always gave his mother perfume and flower for gifts. His brothers had had plenty of girlfriends who loved jewelry and teddy bears. They'd always loved them! And, though he tried to make sense of it, Chazz simply couldn't understand why you didn't love them too.

He was upset.

And Alexis was disgusted, to say the very least.

"Chazz," she snapped, "why do you think Y/N would want those things to begin with?"

He looked up at her, feeling more confused then ever at her question. Because...they were gifts? From him? Was this some kind of trick question or something?

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean," Alexis replied, "that we're on an island! Who wears diamonds and sapphires? Where would she wear them to? And I've never known Y/N to wear perfume either...and the bear was just cheesy!"


"Oh, shut up. Romantic gifts are supposed to be more then this. Why does your dad buy your mom that stuff?"

"Because...she loves perfume. It's her favorite scent. And diamonds are her birthstone."

"He buys them because she likes them. And YOU should by things that Y/N ACTUALLY likes, not things you think she's SUPPOSED to like."

Oh. Well that actually made a lot of sense.

The more Chazz mulled over it, the more he wondered...what would you like? What would be a good gift for you? New cards? Or maybe...

Well, he saw you drawing a lot. Doodling in class, drawing in your sketchbook. Maybe he could buy you something like that...yeah, you would actually like that! And then maybe...maybe you would smile at him and look at Chazz with those beautiful eyes.

"Thanks, Alexis!"



Just a week later, you found something sitting outside of your dorm:

A package wrapped in dark blue paper with green, black, and yellow ribbons wrapped around it and tied in a neat bow. Realizing that it was another one of Chazz's gifts, you sighed and picked it up.

It wasn't that you didn't like fact, it was quite the opposite really. You liked him a lot! Sure, he could be snarky and stuck up at times but...there was more to him then that. Chazz wasn't just some spoiled rich boy! He was passionate and confidant, the kind of guy that could do anything he set his mind to.

You liked Chazz.

His charm, his attitude (even if he was occasionally unbearable), his confidence and courage.

But you didn't like his gifts.

They were nice. They were...expensive. But that weren't you, like, at all. Diamonds? Sapphires? Perfume and teddy bears? You were touched by the fact that he wanted to give you gifts but...they weren't things you liked.

They just weren't YOU.

Sighing, you opened the package and wondered what you might find this time. More jewelry? Some other expensive gifts? The blue wrapping fell away, ribbons falling to the floor, and you found...markers. Copic Markers!


A set of 72 beautiful were in heaven! Already, you were dreaming of the things you would should thank Chazz too.

It gave you an idea and you quickly pulled out your sketchbook, starting on a brand new drawing.



He smiled when he saw you and you smiled back, giving him a bright grin.

"I got your gift, it was...really sweet. So I made you this!" Handing him the folded up drawing, you smiled again and said, "Thank you, Chazz."

It was a drawing of the Ojama Bros! Ojama Green, Black, and Yellow all drawn beautifully...with a little note in the corner.

"Chazz, thank you for your wonderful gift. I'll think of you whenever I use my new markers. Love, Y/N."

Love! Love!

Chazz was grinning like a lovesick idiot, looking at the gift for what seemed like forever. Ojama Yellow suddenly appeared at his shoulder, his crazy voice chuckling in Chazz's ear.

"Ooh! Someone has a lady friend! Hey, that's a pretty good likeness of yours truly, ha ha!"

"S-shut up!" Chazz snapped.

He wasn't wrong though. It looked like official art with a cute Y/N twist to it and it was...the best gift he'd ever been given. And...maybe he did have a lady friend! Maybe if he played his cards right (get it? Get it???) he could have even more then that.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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