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Time went by quickly and the first year of school was done. Summer had just started and you already invited me to hang out.

I didn't really expect it at first, I thought you would be hanging out with your friends first but you asked me. I got excited when I would be on the bus headed to where you asked to meet.

You stood there at the bus stop waiting for me, your gorgeous brown hair covering your face slightly and your outfit looking amazing as always. You smiled and held your hand out to me when I got off the bus, completely taking me off guard and my hands starting to shake a little bit. But you still took my hand anyway and enclosed it with your hand.

My heart really did feel like it would explode, never in a million years did I think that my daydreaming about you holding my hand would come true.

You took me around a clothing store and asked for my opinion, eventually letting my hand go and me feeling the warmth of your hand dissipate. After buying a few items, you walked out the door me following along but this time you grabbed my hand and intertwined it with yours.

The butterflies in my stomach went on overdrive mode and my face became a lot more hotter.

You seemed to not realise the effect you had on me.

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