Chapter one

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Chapter one


"Mr.Smith I need Emily carden to the office please" the lady on the intercom asked my math teacher, I don't know wether to be happy or scared that I was getting out of class. Standing up I collect my books and slung my bag over my shoulder heading out the door.The short trip to the office was quite but I didn't mind. I sat down in a uncomfortable hard chair on the other side of the desk.
"Hello Emily we went over your fathers will today and we have contacted your mother, you will be living with her for now on " My case worker Sarah told me from across the desk. "Are you kidding me You don't think it a little to early for all of this I mean for goodness sake it's only been a month plus I don't even know the woman we haven't talked since I was 7!!" I nearly yelled at her "Why can't I stay with my grandparents" I asked desperately. She ran her hand through her black hair "Because Emily your father left you to your mother in his will, your flight leaves in the morning" this can't be happening, did dad really leave me to go live with a stranger. "We called your grandparents to pick you up so you can start packing now" Sarah told me standing up "Can I at least say goodbye to my best friend" I sighed staying seated. "Sorry Emily but no " she said walking out of the room. This is great I thought bitterly.
"I don't understand why I have to go I don't even really remember this woman" I said angrily to my grandma as she helped me pack my things into my suit cases, my boxes were sent to her house a hour ago and should arrive by the time I get there. "Because Caren is your mother she is the one that brought you into this earth" she told me refolding one of my shirts and neatly setting it into my suit case. " I don't understand dad he doesn't talk about her most of my life and then he's plans that if something went bad he would trust her with my life " I sighed grabbing clothes off my hangers "I just can't stand that I have to basically go live with a stranger" I looked up at her hoping she would understand but she just gave me that loving grandmother smile. After we finished packing we got up and put my things in her car "you ready sweetie "She asked me opening her car door. "Yea just give me a second" I told her walking back into the house. I walked into dad's room and looked around tears stung my eyes but I refused to cry I went to his night stand and grabbed the picture of me and him off of it. It was of us at Disney world when I was 6, I was sitting on his shoulder laughing at something he said. I toke one last look around and headed to the car.

"Flight A23 is boarding" a lady in a flight attendant uniform spoke over a intercom. I got up stretching my legs and headed towards the plane with my carry on bag slung over my shoulder. After getting my head phones out from my bag I put it in the compartment. I sat down in my window seat and put my phone on airplane mode turning my music on.

"Emily " I short middle aged women yelled my name as I exited the plane.
"Um yes " I questioned as the women came running and pulled me into a hug. "It's me Caren your mother, you've grown up into such a lovely young lady" she told me holding me at arms length smiling "Thank you" I said raising my eyebrow. " Well we should get going ...oh crap we need to get your suit case" she remembered as we walked over to were the cargo was dropped off. After getting my things we exited the airport and found her car. "So how was your flight " she asked breaking the tense silence. "Uh it was alright " I mumbled looking out my window.. could this get anymore awkward. "well when we get home it might get a little crazy since every ones waiting" she told me. "Wait who is everyone" I asked confused . "well not every one just your brother and your grandparents or well my parents." she told me. Crap I forgot I had a brother I mentally panicked. I ranked my Brain trying remember him
"I don't remember having a brother.." I spoke out loud. She looked at me shocked " Are you joking ? " She asked I shook my head no "Oh my gosh you guys were connected at the hip since birth to the age 7 how do you not remember him he's your twin." I sat there shocked for a few min. "Oh." was all I could utter. Honestly the only parts of my childhood I could remember was when me and dad left every year before that I can't seem to remember I mean you would think I would remember having a twin brother...
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If you get a chance please go check out my other book >> the unwanted child
Katie mae

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