Chapter One ~ New Comer

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Chapter One

New Comer

        The cool autumn breeze that came from the opened windows of the classroom, blew Erra’s hair to her face. She blinked repeatedly; each time making her eyes wider than the first millisecond, trying to keep herself from sleeping. Her eyes were constantly dropping down, forcing themselves shut. It was only the first day of school, and Ms. White- the second year English teacher- has already started her usual reminder about preparing for the year.

        The shimmering rays of sunlight reflected from the consecutive rows of windows, brightened up the whole place. Bringing with it its warm colors, and improving the room’s dull painted walls. The classroom was spacious, and only had the occasional poster of excerpts from books, poems and quotes.

         Located in the very front of the room, was the teacher's desk made out of cherry wood, which was worn out from years and years of use: Stacks of books big and small and leaflets were carelessly tossed and skattered on the table. Erra always wonderedhow her teachers could effortlessly make their desk look like a jungle. There were white boards and cupboards stuck to the wall behind the desk.Row upon row of seats, were neatly positioned around the classroom: Each one occupied by bored, groggy and sleepy students. Most of them were staring at the door placed at the right hand side of the room. They were eyeing it as if when they looked away, it would disappear, and it was their only chance of escape ( of course excluding the fact that they could always just jump out of the window). The rest of the students were already dozing off, or in a daze in their own little worlds produced in their minds; most probably wishing they were anywhere else but in the class.

         Just then, “Sierra Hunt,” Ms. White called out, looked up from her list, and scanned the classroom. “Here Miss.” Erra answered, seated in the middle row of the classroom. The teacher's big blue eyes brightened when she spotted Erra, and she smiled like she just saw something marvelous. Erra returned the smile, hoping it was pleasant enough that her teacher didn’t notice how much she just wanted to storm of the room, go home, and crash on her bed. Ms. White continued on with the role, calling out each of the students’ names, and being answered robotically by each one. “Is Griffin Slade here?” She asked. Erra snapped from her somnolent state. She looked up from her desk, and started skimming the room in the exact time the unfamiliar name was called out. “Here,” replied a low voice to her right. She was startled to hear someone answer somewhere beside her. When her eyes settled to the person sitting next to her, she was even more taken aback to see a guy she doesn’t know, and someone she didn’t even notice was there. She has lived in Mindleton, California her whole life, and she knew everyone in her year. it was such a ridiculously small city, that there were rarely new people who moved to Mindleton. Most people wouldn't even know it existed. Not that no one gets out of town, but come on! who wants to live in a shoe box for a city?! Erra herself desperately wanted to live someplace else. In short, a new comer, is a shock to everyone.

         Griffin was broad shouldered, high cheek boned, and had plush, full lips. He had sharp features, but somehow had a gentle face. His eyes were a striking color of violet, framed with thick long eyelashes. As if feeling her stare, He slowly turned to look at her. When they made eye contact, she saw that his pupils had gold flecks in them that seemed to move, and flash here and there once in a while like lightning, but just a bit slower. They seemed to gradually rotate around his iris, which was highly impossible for a normal human being. Erra just brushed this unusual sight off her mind, and convinced herself that she was just hallucinating.

         He gave her a warm, friendly grin, which showed that he knew he was being observed, and was slightly amused by the fact. Erra looked swiftly away, a faint blush crept up her face from being caught staring at the new student. She could still feel those piercing violet eyes like they were somehow brushing her, consuming the sight in front of them. Registering her features slowly.

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