29- ᴄʜᴏᴏsᴇ

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Jeno was a sobbing mess he didn't know what to do as he sat down in the waiting room. The others are calming him down as he cry his heart out.

"It's gonna be okay Jeno. The doctor is gonna take care of her and the baby" Jaemin comforted him.

"NO IT'S NOT OKAY! IT DIDN'T ONLY AFFECT THE BABY BUT IT EFFECTED HER AS WELL. I DON'T WANNA LOOSE THEM" Jeno yelled making the others shocked by his sudden loud voice.

"You're not gonna loose them. Stay positive" Mark said and Jeno just shooked his head.

"It could've been me" Jeno sighed and wiped his tears.

"No, don't say that" Nayoung said and patted his back.

Jeno was excited that the baby is almost gonna be born. Looks like that won't be happening anytime soon.

He was angry, sad, tired, confused and disappointed. He didn't know what to do if he loose one of them or worse both of them.

After hours of waiting Mark and Nayoung went home because Jeno told them to do so. Nayoung needs some rest. She can't stay up all night and Jeno knows that. The couple didn't want to, especially Mark. That's basically his son in that girl's womb. Even though he didn't act his part of being the father, he's still part of his family. Jeno insisted that they should go which they did and told him that they will be visiting in the morning.

Meanwhile, Jeno was asking Jaemin and Renjun to go home as well but the two refused to.

They waited more and a doctor suddenly approached them.

"Hello Mr. Lee Jeno" the doctor greeted.

"How are they?" Jeno asked. This time he was calm and didn't think much.

"I-I have good news and bad news" the doctor sighed which made Jeno's breath hitch.

"The good news is they will live" the doctor started.

"And the bad news is?" Renjun asked.

"Only one of them has to" the doctor replied.

Jeno launched at the doctor and pushed him but not hard enough to make the doctor fall.

"What are you talking about?! You were suppose to save both of them!" Jeno yelled as he cried again.

"I'm sorry. We did everything we can do. The impact was strong which lead to complications" The doctor explained. Jeno cried more and Jaemin pulled him back.

"Mr. Lee, you have to choose. The baby or your girlfriend?"

And that was one of the hardest decisions he has to make.

Jeno ruffled his hair and after awhile he already decided.

Is it the girl who he lives so much?

Or the baby who didn't had the chance to live in this world yet.

"I've decided" Jeno told the doctor which made him smile.

"I hope you don't regret your decision Mr. Lee"

Author's note:

We're almost at the end of this storyyy ahhhh yasss! I know this isn't the time to say yasss but like.. Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry if you guys were sad. Wuv you!


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