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"I found myself dreaming

In silver and gold

Like a scene from a movie

that every broken heart knows"

Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor


Odette's POV

I had always thought that the sadness would vanish if I got away from my boring hometown. Yet, here I sat, at one of the most beautiful cafes in Italy with an empty heart. I looked around the quaint, little place, and observed the beautiful faces of the strangers that were conversing around me. 'I just don't get it'  I thought. Were they all putting on a facade as I was? Or were their smiles genuine? I guess I'll never really know, what I did know though was that I was once again going to fool myself into believing that I am happy. I am happy, I am happy, I am happy, I am happy.

I rolled my dull brown eyes, and stood up knowing it was hopeless. Gathering my stuff in my light pink, glittery backpack, I started to walk towards the door.

"Grazie!" one of the baristas shouted as the bell wrung, indicating my departure.

"Grazie." I muttered back with a smile, exiting the cafe.

I started to walk down the sidewalk, admiring the beautiful architecture around me. I closed my eyes and breathed in. In those two seconds that my eyes were closed, I managed to bump into a wall, fall on my butt, and curse like a sailor. Not as attractive as I would've hoped to look to the "wall" I bumped into.

'How dumb can I be? ' I thought to myself. Finally managing to get up and dust myself off.

That's when I heard it. The distinct sound of someone trying to apologize. I finally managed to get out of my mind and into the real world. I then looked up and immediately went right back to zoning out. This beautiful human specimen that was trying to get my attention, was the most beautiful person that I had ever seen. His vibrant grey eyes had little specks of gold in them, and were surrounded by thin yet long eyelashes. They were framed by thick eyebrows that held just the right amount of arch. His hair was wavy and flowing in the wind, like some fuking movie. His skin not quite pale, but not tan either, almost like coffee and cream. I  was starstruck. I don't know how long I stood there staring at him, but I couldn't pull myself out of it. That is until I saw a ring clad hand waving front of my face.

I cursed myself and answered him.

"I am so sorry! I just got distracted and I wasn't looking, I can't believe I did that please forgive me. I'm-" I rushed out, blushing fiercely before I was interrupted by him

"It's not a problem, don't worry," he said smirking,

"Are you alright? You took quite a fall there." he asked me

"Yes, I am. I-I'm so sorry  i-" he cut me off once more by holding up his palm.

"How about you make it up to me by spending the day with me?"


So, turns out this is probably the best decision I have ever made.

I found out that Adonis' name wasn't actually Adonis but Luka. He was 27 years old, and grew up in a small town, then attended NYU. He was hispanic and grew up bilingual. His accent was adorable. He was an avid fan of The Rolling Stones and Beyonce. Odd mix, but it suited him perfectly. He also loved to travel and it was probably his fifth time in Florence.

Everything about him was intriguing. From what shampoo he used to what his aspirations are.

We were currently walking, en route to a "secret spot" as Luka liked to call it. We were walking along the street with our hands entwined. Don't know how that happened. But one thing I could for sure say is that my physical attraction was becoming emotional now. I was screwed, but being with him for some reason made my empty heart, full.

We finally reached our destination with all the goodies we'd purchased from a corner shop earlier.

Where was this destination? A rooftop. with the most amazing view. You could see millions of lights, as the sun had already set. I was speechless.

Meanwhile, Luka was setting up the blankets and the snacks we had bought. Once he was finished he called me over.

"Ven, Princesa." (Come, Princess)

I sat down next to him and looked out into the city.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked.

" You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." he said staring straight into my eyes.

I blushed and fiddled with my hands.

I looked up at him and we locked eyes. We started to lean in, baring our souls to one another. Our lips finally connected. I felt the whole zoo. I felt my lips tingle. Goosebumps rose on my skin. I knew that somehow I had fallen in love in mere hours. This man wormed his way into my heart so easily, it was terrifying. But at this very moment, I felt the happiest I'd ever felt. We fit so perfectly. We pulled away after a few more seconds and I rested my forehead on his. I slowly opened my eyes and stared directly into his stormy ones.

"Woah" we said in unison.

We remained still for a few more moments. Then it was as if we couldn't detach our lips. I was grasping his hands, as his held my face. After who knows how long we pulled away. I gave him a final kiss on the nose and pulled away.

He was the first to speak.

"I love you, Odette. Te amo, no sé como derrumbaste mis paredes tan fácilmente, pero tú eres la única persona, que por alguna razón, quiero que vea a mi verdadero ser." ( I love you, I don't know how you so easily broke down my walls, you're the only person, for some reason, that I want to let in.)

" I love you too, Luka. I've never felt like this about someone. You make me want to live, not just breathe, live. I want to be happy along your side."

That's when I could feel the heaviness weigh on both of us. How were we going to find each other again. We lived on complete opposite sides of the country. I could see the devastation on his face as well.

"Let's not focus on that right now, Princesa. For now let's enjoy the moment, and bask in what we have now. We can deal with all the heavy stuff tomorrow. Let's live in the moment."

I looked up at him and nodded. I put my head on his chest and breathed in his scent, while he played with my hair. I kissed his neck and pulled away.

He cupped my face and whispered, "Come on, baby. We won't make love, Love will make us."

I pushed all the negative thoughts away and lived. I forgot about all my inhibitions. I loved him. He loved me. It was that simple, for tonight at least.


Hi guys!

This is my first story here on Wattpad. Please tell me what you think, and if you have any corrections please point them out to me. I would really appreciate it. I'm really excited to bring this idea to life, finally. I hope you guys enjoy this book as I enjoyed writing it.

With Love,


Come sleep with me, We won't make love, Love will make us.
- Julio Cortázar

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