Ch. Two

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Chapter Two

It had been three months.

Three months since they left Forks.

Things were....strange. Edward had left, saying it was too hard without Bella and he wanted to be alone. Alice spent most of her time watching Bella's future to make sure she was okay. Jasper was out hunting, trying to learn more control. Carlisle was at work a lot more. Esme had made the gardens beautiful and she just kept changing things and renovating. Emmett was just trying to kept everything light. Rosalie was just angry. And one really knew what Milo was up to.

Rosalie opened his bed room door and saw him curled up in his bed, face buried deep in the pillow and blankets everywhere. She smiled softly. She'd always absolutely loved Milo. He might not be hers but on the nights when he saw a baby and she had held him she liked to pretend that he was her son.

She smiled, remembering the first time she saw Milo.

Rosalie and Emmett had just gotten back from hunting when they heard someone almost shouting. They shared a look and speed into the house. What they saw shocked them. Esme held a baby. An actual living, breathing, human baby.

"What's going on?" Rosalie asked. Esme turned to her with a smile and beckoned her over. Rose walked over slowly and was frozen in shock as Esme handed the baby to her. Rose looked down at the baby and her un-beating heart warmed. He was beautiful. She ran a finger over his soft brown hair. He moved a little but didn't wake up.

"He's our newest family member. His name is Milo." Esme said.

"We can't look after a human baby. What about Jasper? What happens when he notices we don't age? We'll have to tell him and then he'll be in danger from the Volturi." Edward said.

"He's not human. He's half witch, half werewolf. His family died, he has no one else to look after him and we can't let him be raised by humans. He'll grow up knowing he's different but not knowing how. It's better if he's here. We can tell him about us. He'll understand. And I trust Jasper. He's strong and I know he'll be okay." Esme said. They all looked to Jasper but he was watching Milo. He looked up and looked at Carlisle.

"He smells different. I don't wanna drink his blood. Actually I'd probably find his blood disgusting. It...doesn't small appealing at all." Jasper said.

"It could be his wolf blood." Carlisle said. While they all argued about it Rosalie cooed and smiled down at the now awake baby. He gargled and let out a loud squeal. He looked around and made grabby hands at Esme. He was clearly a mama's boy.

Rose smiled and happily handed over Milo. There was no more arguments after that. Milo was a Cullen. He was their som, their brother. He was family. He was going nowhere.

Rosalie smiled and walked over to Milo's bed. She sat down on the edge and ran a cold hand through his hair. After so many years with them Milo seemed to find comfort in their cold touch. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at Rose.

"Hey." He muttered and closed his eyes again.

"Good morning. What do you have planed today? I was think we should have a movie night. Things have been tense lately and we haven't been there for you like we use to and I'm sorry about that." Rose said. His eyes opened and he smiled at her.

"It's okay. I'm a big boy, remember? And, I uh, I have plans tonight actually." He said.

Rosalie raised an eyebrow and smiled down at him.

"Oh yeah? What plans?" She asked.

"Uh the school is having this stupid fundraiser dance or whatever. I thought I should go. No biggy." He said quickly and sat up in bed.

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