No Shu's Food, No Life

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*at Shu's place*

Valt: Thanks for inviting us to your house for lunch, Shu.

Shu: When did I ever invited you guys?

Valt: In my dream.

Wakiya: Anyway... What are we going to eat?

Daina: Usually his signature dish, spaghetti carbonara.

Shu: Nah... I created something else. Hope you have emptied your stomach.

Ken: Really?

(I'm still consider Ken as a beyclub member)

Valt: Well, whatever it is, it will be delicious!

Rantaro: Yeah! We're talking about Shu here!

//Timeskip brought to you by Haruka_beybladeFAN for requesting this chapter//

Shu: It's done.

Everyone: *grabbing forks and quickly shove the food into their mouth*

Everyone: ...


Wakiya: What the hell is this?!

Shu: Spaghetti.

Rantaro: But why does it tastes so weird? It is so not you!

Ken: *still puking*

Shu: I've already told you guys I wanted to try something new.

Daina: W- What's in it?

Shu: *worst ingredients you ever thinking about*

Everyone: *puke more* WHYYYY??!!!

Shu: Because...

Shu: *sips tea*

Shu: You guys are my guinea pig.


I tried.

I tried to make it interesting.

But in the end it does not end like I wanted it to be.

But thanks though for being the first person to request Haruka_beybladeFAN -sama! May you too will eat Shu's food in this chapter!


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