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Hello this is my first story plz don't be hard on me if this is bad I want to improve for anyone that reads thanks. I will explain during the story about how I write)

Tomura:"I'm going to kill you."

Yume:"Bring it then."

As tomura gets onto the fighting area. Izuku's Body fades away into black ambers. As Tomura and Yume notice this there in shock a bit.

Yume:"What's going one I thought I killed him!?!"

Tomura:"I don't know myself."

Izuku:As they say that the ambers come back and start forming Izuku back to normal with ambers slowly refroming his chest were his was stabbed and his hair covering his eyes.

Tomura:"Izuku your alive?!?!"

Yume:"Impossible I killed you?!?! No worry I'll just kill you properly."

Izuku:Walks towards Yume slowly.

Yume:"Acting cocky I see. You won't be that cocky after your dead."Yume starts charging at Izuku.

Izuku:"Pathetic." Izuku actives his quirk and punches yume in the face and yume goes flying.

Yume:<"HE'S GOTTEN FASTER?!?!"> Yume actives his quirk and sends ice pillars at Izuku and rushes him as the pillars hit Izuku.

Izuku:Blocks the ice pillars with one hand.

Yume:Ice covers his hand and goes to punch Izuku.

Izuku:Catches yume's punch and yume looks Izuku in the eyes. Izuku's eyes are Crimson Blood Red.

Yume:Is completely scared and backs away quickly.

Izuku:"Aw running away already well it's expected from trash."

Yume:"Trash?!?! I'LL SHOW YOU TRASH!!!" Yume points both of his hands at Izuku."FROZEN DEATH BLADE." Ice swords form from both sides of yume and fire at Izuku.

Izuku:Black Ambers start coming off Izuku and Izuku fades away into black ambers.

Yume:The Ice swords hit the ground and cause a whole bunch of dust and it clears."Huh? Where did he go?"

Izuku:Refroms Above Yume and kicks him in the shoulder into the ground causing Izuku to break yume's right arm and leg.


Izuku:"Are you trash?"


Izuku:Steps on yume's broken leg and punches yume in the face."Are you trash?"

Yume:"Go to....hell."

Izuku:Kicks yume in the rips and breaks his rips and sends him flying."Trash that's all you ever be."

Izuku:Izuku's eyes go back to green and grabs his head."What happend?"

Everyone is in shock from what they just saw.

Izuku:"Tomura what happen all I remember is me getting stabbed then nothing but black until now?"

Tomura:"Don't worry about it..."


Tomura:"For now head back to the car."

Izuku:"Yes sir." Izuku leaves to the car.

Tomura:<"What just happened?">

To be continued.

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